Well 2008 is ending in like 1 1/2 days........so thought be nice to say a few words.
2008 was a year with many experiences for me. Up down good bad and in between.
Reflecting back from January till now i can say that ive been through the best of times and the worst of times. Best has definitely been my walk with the Lord. This year i just had soooo much of His love and experienced some of my first miracle healings. Cool God i have =)
My involvement in the worship ministry in church has been awesome. And also its my first time working part time (whenever im free) with Major Seven Music, a small sound and music company that does audio visual and music setups for events. The employers (husband and wife + sons team) are very close to my church so its always good to see them and sometimes help them out at events. I get side money as well......legally!
Financial blessings was just abundant. I dont mean in thousands or millions. But when just i need the right amount....... somehow.......miraculosly , God delivers.
Then there was my usualy sporting activities. Ran some good races. Participated in duathlons. Powerman Manjung. Gone on a 3 day Interstate ride from Kajang - Kuatan. Cycled up Genting, twice! Did the hellish Broga Loop. Meet new cycling friends. Nearly died in the cold freezing rain.
Then i got Facebook. Finally. =P
For some, probably now you will only know, i had to be retained in 3rd year of College simply coz i didnt have good results. So im late 1 year actually. To you it may be a shocking thing. Well to me im not one happy clam as well. But i dont look to this as my failure (though it might partly be so). But whenever i face the downside, God is still God above all and in control. My failure is not something i will be affraid of coz God has always been by my side. And He carried through the rough seas. Calmed the storm. Removed the mountains in front of me. I believe with all my heart that God's plan is supremely higher. Nothing happens by chance but its because of God's plans. I depend on God more than any other person , even myself coz simply humans are prone to dissappoint one another. Im sure everyone will agree.
Then theres church camp for the first time in a decade. Simply wonderful experience.
Served in the Apostolic Program where i met our dear brothers from Africa and other countries. Simply can wait to see them again next year. =)
Christmas was a blast.
Nearly got to travel to Thailand but in the end didnt.
Ate lots and lots of free meals. Seriously. I dont remember being the one not paying for more than 10 times at least........ XD. Again Gods blessings. *peace*
Will miss Ps Kenneth n Ps Sharon now that they are based in Penang to start a new church. God be with them always.
Oh oh and i got to finally own a nice bike (though still not up to the current standard). My red Look carbon bike.
Went to a wedding. Attended a few functions. Hmm.......got to see some of my long time no see relatives from Australia and UK.
My bro got 7A's in PMR which i am proud of.
Then all year round basically just been my crazy old self with humour and stupidity along the way.
So for next year this is what i plan/hope/wish/pray for :-
1 - Expand myself to do more things for God
2 - Serve with more passion in the worship team
3 - Get either bass or electric guitar (i still cant decide XD)
4 - Be a hardworking student
5 - Be a hard playing sportsman
6 - Do a full marathon
7 - Do a triathlon
8 - May our nation be strong in all situations
9 - Get hitched (Joking)
10 - Have more wisdom and spiritual growth
11 - See more souls saved and experince Gods love
12 - See revival
13 - See more miracles signs n wonders
14 - Just let God be God in my life
15 - Be prepared for just abt anything ^^
Thats my last post of 2008. Thank you all
God Bless.
30 December 2008
27 December 2008
When i need you.......
You know in the game of love couples keep saying "I will be there for you when u need me" or "Love you forever" or anything that sounds so sweet. Well theres nothing wrong actually with saying such things to your loved ones.
But one must come to a realization that overdependent and high expectations on humans , moreover your spouse or partner or gf/bf is a dangerous thing to do.
You will be disappointed.
Coz we are all humans that cannot possibly fulfill every single need. As a human with the capability to make mistakes over and over again plus a sinful nature in all of us, sometimes we cant totally put all our emotion and heart into humans. Yes we can love them and care for one another, but loving as how God loves us is the way to go.
Girls, you want your boyfriend to be online and chat with you everyday? You will be disappointed. If he didnt online for 1 day or 1 week how will u feel? You think he doesnt love you anymore isnt it? Or you doubt him? What if he didnt answer ur calls or msgs? Frustration rite?
Guys want your girls to be always in the mood to attend to your needs? Bad choice coz once she isnt in a good mood for just one day, hell might just be breaking loose soon. Then there comes all the hoop la about breaking up.
We are made by God with feelings and emotion no doubt. But we were made by God for another higher reason. To first of all love God back first. And that takes some understanding. Why love God? Coz He is the only one who can meet your needs and care for you round the clock. Proof? You are sitting right here right now reading my blog sipping tea perhaps in your air cond room and listening to a nice song. You were not here coz your parents worked hard and provided u the opportunity. Look higher......someone already planned these for you. God says He is the provider. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Therefore all things come from Him without doubt.
If there was no plan for anything (meaning we go abt life by mere existance walking on the face of the earth thanks to an evolution) it will be chaotic.
There must be someone in control no? A plan of sorts to make life as it is suppose to be.
The thing is the path and the truth of living life the right way is already there. The problem is many dont walk or see this path and recognise it. Most of us wallow and wade in mud and dirt......our eyes see only dirt. And when we somehow cross onto the clean path we still see dirt coz our eyes havent been washed yet!
God did mention "Remove the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from others eyes".
Ultimately our attention by right should be fixed on God , whom in the bible says "...is the same yesterday today and forever.....". Same here meaning He still loves us the same. He still has a caring nature. When others sees you as a pile of shit He will just take you and clean you up. If you're blind to certain things He will just somehow guide you. Yet He is still fair and just and still the Judge to those who do not listen or oppose Him.
Sometimes God punishes to wake us up. Not to show He is evil. IF your parents cane you they want u to see something. But God also judges when there is too much sin. God can never tolerate sin. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the whole city was full of homosexuals and immorality. God does not approve homosexuality. Period. God made man and women specifically for each other in the very beginning. If not He wud have given men a vagina and women a penis. Why didnt He?
Coz He has already made us that way.
But one must come to a realization that overdependent and high expectations on humans , moreover your spouse or partner or gf/bf is a dangerous thing to do.
You will be disappointed.
Coz we are all humans that cannot possibly fulfill every single need. As a human with the capability to make mistakes over and over again plus a sinful nature in all of us, sometimes we cant totally put all our emotion and heart into humans. Yes we can love them and care for one another, but loving as how God loves us is the way to go.
Girls, you want your boyfriend to be online and chat with you everyday? You will be disappointed. If he didnt online for 1 day or 1 week how will u feel? You think he doesnt love you anymore isnt it? Or you doubt him? What if he didnt answer ur calls or msgs? Frustration rite?
Guys want your girls to be always in the mood to attend to your needs? Bad choice coz once she isnt in a good mood for just one day, hell might just be breaking loose soon. Then there comes all the hoop la about breaking up.
We are made by God with feelings and emotion no doubt. But we were made by God for another higher reason. To first of all love God back first. And that takes some understanding. Why love God? Coz He is the only one who can meet your needs and care for you round the clock. Proof? You are sitting right here right now reading my blog sipping tea perhaps in your air cond room and listening to a nice song. You were not here coz your parents worked hard and provided u the opportunity. Look higher......someone already planned these for you. God says He is the provider. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Therefore all things come from Him without doubt.
If there was no plan for anything (meaning we go abt life by mere existance walking on the face of the earth thanks to an evolution) it will be chaotic.
There must be someone in control no? A plan of sorts to make life as it is suppose to be.
The thing is the path and the truth of living life the right way is already there. The problem is many dont walk or see this path and recognise it. Most of us wallow and wade in mud and dirt......our eyes see only dirt. And when we somehow cross onto the clean path we still see dirt coz our eyes havent been washed yet!
God did mention "Remove the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from others eyes".
Ultimately our attention by right should be fixed on God , whom in the bible says "...is the same yesterday today and forever.....". Same here meaning He still loves us the same. He still has a caring nature. When others sees you as a pile of shit He will just take you and clean you up. If you're blind to certain things He will just somehow guide you. Yet He is still fair and just and still the Judge to those who do not listen or oppose Him.
Sometimes God punishes to wake us up. Not to show He is evil. IF your parents cane you they want u to see something. But God also judges when there is too much sin. God can never tolerate sin. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the whole city was full of homosexuals and immorality. God does not approve homosexuality. Period. God made man and women specifically for each other in the very beginning. If not He wud have given men a vagina and women a penis. Why didnt He?
Coz He has already made us that way.
24 December 2008
Ever heard of the White Mans religion or the Religion of the western countries?
Yeah.....im pointing towards Christianity.
For the majority of those who yet to know Jesus Christ, they wud say he was a westerner since Christianity dominates mostly the western world. Wana hear something shocking? Or i think the word revealing is more appropriate =).
Jesus was born in Bethleham, Jerusalem. Now geographically speaking Jerusalem is in the west but its under Asia. Yes it is in the Asian continent! So Jesus was born a Jew and he is indeed Asian! Revelation to some of u yah? And Jesus wasnt white nor did he travel to the western countries. So Christ was born Asian.
Another fact that was sadly twisted - Chrisitianity came after Jesus came and left earth. So to say before Jesus there was no Christianity? If one had read the Bible this wud be all cleared up in 1 second.
Because in Genesis 1:1 it says : "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth." Period. What more do u want to argue? In the very beginning already God was at work.......not only when Jesus came to earth and God showed the signs wonders and miracles.
In the Gospel of John 1:1 - 4 it states with no doubt : -
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
All of the above points to one man........ Jesus Christ.
Looking through Noah's and Moses's shows already a deep relationship between them and God literally. Abraham was one of God's favourite friends. He was a friend of God.
Christian if carefully studied is translated from Greek as "follower of Christ". But here is one thing. That God the Father Son and Spirit are the same. So the Follower of Christ is the same as Followers of God. Coz in the bible it mentions specifically "In the Name of the Father Son and Spirit". Now lets do English for a while. There are 3 names.....THREE NAMES. Yet it is phrased as "in the NAME of 3 people". Meaning that these 3 entities are as ONE. One being the same. Same God same Spirit. Its not a mistaken by the writers of the scriptures. It is as it is written and revealed by God.
So people have followed God since time began! Adam and Eve not to forget.
Well i hope some of u have been educated.
Stay blessed folks
Yeah.....im pointing towards Christianity.
For the majority of those who yet to know Jesus Christ, they wud say he was a westerner since Christianity dominates mostly the western world. Wana hear something shocking? Or i think the word revealing is more appropriate =).
Jesus was born in Bethleham, Jerusalem. Now geographically speaking Jerusalem is in the west but its under Asia. Yes it is in the Asian continent! So Jesus was born a Jew and he is indeed Asian! Revelation to some of u yah? And Jesus wasnt white nor did he travel to the western countries. So Christ was born Asian.
Another fact that was sadly twisted - Chrisitianity came after Jesus came and left earth. So to say before Jesus there was no Christianity? If one had read the Bible this wud be all cleared up in 1 second.
Because in Genesis 1:1 it says : "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth." Period. What more do u want to argue? In the very beginning already God was at work.......not only when Jesus came to earth and God showed the signs wonders and miracles.
In the Gospel of John 1:1 - 4 it states with no doubt : -
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
All of the above points to one man........ Jesus Christ.
Looking through Noah's and Moses's shows already a deep relationship between them and God literally. Abraham was one of God's favourite friends. He was a friend of God.
Christian if carefully studied is translated from Greek as "follower of Christ". But here is one thing. That God the Father Son and Spirit are the same. So the Follower of Christ is the same as Followers of God. Coz in the bible it mentions specifically "In the Name of the Father Son and Spirit". Now lets do English for a while. There are 3 names.....THREE NAMES. Yet it is phrased as "in the NAME of 3 people". Meaning that these 3 entities are as ONE. One being the same. Same God same Spirit. Its not a mistaken by the writers of the scriptures. It is as it is written and revealed by God.
So people have followed God since time began! Adam and Eve not to forget.
Well i hope some of u have been educated.
Stay blessed folks
21 December 2008
Merry Christmas!

Hello folks.
Before i get extremely busy with the festive season just wana take this opportunity to wish all my family , relatives , friends, WHC members, fellow bros n sis in Christ and the human race a very warm merry blessed Christmas 2008.
This is a season and time not to receive but to give. Its not about the presents we receive but the love we give to others. One Present was already given to us, give to us as we receive so that we can give that same present out to the world.
May God bless you all. May He uphold and strengthen each and everyone one of us for the coming times. Amen
Happy Merry Xmas 08
19 December 2008
I am Me
Many probably wud be waiting for this one. Many probably wont wana give an da*n wat i write today.
Today i come out of my shell for a while to soak some reality and let of some excess baggage.

Hmm.......emotions are a delicate thing to handle. Sometimes i wonder if i am really tat good at handling my own. OK i know God does know better.
I've been tru a bit of ups n downs these few months. Just that it looks all peachy on the outside. Still finding the real me i suppose. Many dont know me. Sometimes i dont even know who i am.
No ones ever seen me cry except my parents and relatives.

Today was Recycling day at TARC for the final year AMS and APR students. Mr Lee , Head of SSSH said some really good words. Good and great words will war with the bad words in me. Probably why im nutty at times.
Im still here. Anyway.......
A question to the world : Can i ever be what you want me to be? I think i can be wat God wants me to be only.
Sometimes i wana touch things i dont feel, hold on and feel i belong.
My friends are sometimes my greatest treasures. My family is already my anchor. God is the Redeemer.
She added me in MSN today. Weird. Surprised. Interesting. Hmmm. Why? Im still here.

Exams again soon. Im starting to get tired. Sigh. Assignments (thank God) left one and only one left. God help me. I dont deserve anything from Him, but He said because Christ died i can ask anything in Christs name with the right heart. Yippee.
Lost and found a few items lately. Am i getting old? I still have to run in life ya know? Legs! Wake up! For heavens sake........

Everytime i look up in the night sky i see into the future and the past. I love the stars. My interest in astronomy is still on. Just a lil damp. Miss you star clusters and galaxy clusters. Black Holes, quasars.
See that pic above? Each dot is a galaxy. Go count yourselves. I love it. Actually its just an artists rendering. But its no where compared to Gods rendering. How can you not love something so beautiful? I love anything and anyone who is beautiful.
I miss NS and my childhood days. School was fun too. Who doesnt rite? Those who dont im sad for you.
I wait for many things. I expect many things. I hope for many things. I pray for many things.
Its great isnt it when Somebody already paid for all your sins? Im grateful for that coz i can see how sinful i can be at times. Guilt? No. God dealt with that.
When will she come? Im waiting. Lol.........double lol......
I admit i am patient for many things but i can get upset if the wrong thing crops up. Humans. Gods fantastic creation. He said man and woman shall be together and help one another and that they shall be one flesh. I believe He didnt make man and man or woman and woman come into the picture. Yet im not judging. Just praying again.
Rainning durians would be nice. Can test my skulls durability level.
Dreams are running in my mind always. Ideas running. Some really cant be understood by anyone. Ive got at least 2 now in my head........what are they? I dont know.......its dreams thats all i know. Touching them would be nice.
Music is in me. It touches me. Does anyone know me?
I wish the weather was more predictable. Life. Unpredictable. Change it? When im not here?
Probably you can help me be a man. That be nice. Stubborn and forgetfulness is partly hereditary from my parents i suppose.
Moments my life went through is just so mixed up and yet it seems so straight forward. If it was that straight forward i think i will be 80 by now. The river takes so long to reach the sea coz its path is winding.
What did i just do?
I wana be
I am me
Today i come out of my shell for a while to soak some reality and let of some excess baggage.

Hmm.......emotions are a delicate thing to handle. Sometimes i wonder if i am really tat good at handling my own. OK i know God does know better.
I've been tru a bit of ups n downs these few months. Just that it looks all peachy on the outside. Still finding the real me i suppose. Many dont know me. Sometimes i dont even know who i am.
No ones ever seen me cry except my parents and relatives.

Today was Recycling day at TARC for the final year AMS and APR students. Mr Lee , Head of SSSH said some really good words. Good and great words will war with the bad words in me. Probably why im nutty at times.
Im still here. Anyway.......
A question to the world : Can i ever be what you want me to be? I think i can be wat God wants me to be only.
Sometimes i wana touch things i dont feel, hold on and feel i belong.
My friends are sometimes my greatest treasures. My family is already my anchor. God is the Redeemer.
She added me in MSN today. Weird. Surprised. Interesting. Hmmm. Why? Im still here.

Exams again soon. Im starting to get tired. Sigh. Assignments (thank God) left one and only one left. God help me. I dont deserve anything from Him, but He said because Christ died i can ask anything in Christs name with the right heart. Yippee.
Lost and found a few items lately. Am i getting old? I still have to run in life ya know? Legs! Wake up! For heavens sake........

Everytime i look up in the night sky i see into the future and the past. I love the stars. My interest in astronomy is still on. Just a lil damp. Miss you star clusters and galaxy clusters. Black Holes, quasars.

I miss NS and my childhood days. School was fun too. Who doesnt rite? Those who dont im sad for you.
I wait for many things. I expect many things. I hope for many things. I pray for many things.

When will she come? Im waiting. Lol.........double lol......
I admit i am patient for many things but i can get upset if the wrong thing crops up. Humans. Gods fantastic creation. He said man and woman shall be together and help one another and that they shall be one flesh. I believe He didnt make man and man or woman and woman come into the picture. Yet im not judging. Just praying again.
Rainning durians would be nice. Can test my skulls durability level.

Music is in me. It touches me. Does anyone know me?
I wish the weather was more predictable. Life. Unpredictable. Change it? When im not here?
Probably you can help me be a man. That be nice. Stubborn and forgetfulness is partly hereditary from my parents i suppose.
Moments my life went through is just so mixed up and yet it seems so straight forward. If it was that straight forward i think i will be 80 by now. The river takes so long to reach the sea coz its path is winding.
What did i just do?
I wana be
I am me
25 November 2008
24 November 2008
The Wonderful Cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
See from His head, His hands, His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live
O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
All who gather here by grace draw near and bless
Your name
Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all
21 November 2008
Bell Sweep R
Look what arrived from the USA for me today! A Bell Sweep R race helmet! Same as u seen it on TV worn by pro cyclists. ^^
19 November 2008
Send Me
Sending things to loved ones is fun and fulfilling. Sending loved ones elsewhere is a hard thing. So now i learned.......
Well WHC has been growing in many areas. Gods special grace is everywhere, not just WHC. But His special plan for every individual in every church is even more special. There are 6.4billion people, God has more than 6.4billion plans for everyone of us to know Him more, love Him more, experience Him more and extend His kingdom more.
Having said that, it is at this timing in this season that WHC has been somehow guided by got to send forth like we have never sent before in WHC history.
Last week it was announced to everyone that Ps Kenneth Kang and Ps Sharon Kang will be moving to Penang to plant a new church.
To many this will be seen as a wonderful move to expand God's kingdom. It is infact. And the vision of WHC spreades north.
But the hardest part is always letting go. Ps David has been talking abt sending ppl out to evengelise, to the whole world. Now that prophecy has come to pass. God's ways are always full of mysteries and unexpectedness but its for good. Gods plans never are meant to be for the worst. Otherwise we be ditching God long ago.
It was emotional when they were presented before the church members. To say goodbye and to rekindle past memories. But Gods ways are higher and they responded to God's call. It took alot of prayer and confirmation on their side. Leaving KL for Penang with nothing more than faith, it is a bold step to depend totally on God for providence. And little Sophia will tag along. And i though i get to see her grow up in WHC's arms.
I wana take this opportunity to thank Ps Kenneth especially coz he was the first to reach out to me when i first came to KTAR. In fact in the first 3 days i arrived during orientation week in college he was already there, introduced to me. I didnt know he was a pastor at first. He took me and few other frends out to familarize with Wangsa Maju, took us for dinner, and futsal. =)
That little bit was all it took for me to feel the warmth of being not alone. And it was all in God's train of plans by then.
Will miss Ps Kenneth's preaching and his stories. Love them. Will miss worship practise with Ps Sharon coz thats always fun.
May God prepare the way for Ps Kenneth n Ps Sharon and Sophia into new frontiers. Blessings and grace upon them always. We will see each other again for sure. Amen
Well WHC has been growing in many areas. Gods special grace is everywhere, not just WHC. But His special plan for every individual in every church is even more special. There are 6.4billion people, God has more than 6.4billion plans for everyone of us to know Him more, love Him more, experience Him more and extend His kingdom more.
Having said that, it is at this timing in this season that WHC has been somehow guided by got to send forth like we have never sent before in WHC history.
Last week it was announced to everyone that Ps Kenneth Kang and Ps Sharon Kang will be moving to Penang to plant a new church.
To many this will be seen as a wonderful move to expand God's kingdom. It is infact. And the vision of WHC spreades north.
But the hardest part is always letting go. Ps David has been talking abt sending ppl out to evengelise, to the whole world. Now that prophecy has come to pass. God's ways are always full of mysteries and unexpectedness but its for good. Gods plans never are meant to be for the worst. Otherwise we be ditching God long ago.
It was emotional when they were presented before the church members. To say goodbye and to rekindle past memories. But Gods ways are higher and they responded to God's call. It took alot of prayer and confirmation on their side. Leaving KL for Penang with nothing more than faith, it is a bold step to depend totally on God for providence. And little Sophia will tag along. And i though i get to see her grow up in WHC's arms.
I wana take this opportunity to thank Ps Kenneth especially coz he was the first to reach out to me when i first came to KTAR. In fact in the first 3 days i arrived during orientation week in college he was already there, introduced to me. I didnt know he was a pastor at first. He took me and few other frends out to familarize with Wangsa Maju, took us for dinner, and futsal. =)
That little bit was all it took for me to feel the warmth of being not alone. And it was all in God's train of plans by then.
Will miss Ps Kenneth's preaching and his stories. Love them. Will miss worship practise with Ps Sharon coz thats always fun.
May God prepare the way for Ps Kenneth n Ps Sharon and Sophia into new frontiers. Blessings and grace upon them always. We will see each other again for sure. Amen
10 November 2008
Powerman 2008 Official result
This is my official result from the timing chip :
Sprint Category (5.5km run - 32km bike - 5km run)
Overall position : 17
Category position : 14
Gun time : 2hours 00 minutes 52 seconds
Run1 : 28mins 41secs
min/km : 5:13
T1 : 1min 57secs
Cycle : 58min 16secs
Avg speed : 32.9km/h
T2 : 1min 32secs
Run2 : 30min 33secs
min/km : 6:06
Not bad at all..... didnt expect this. 4 more places to top 10!
Next year im gunning this one!
Sprint Category (5.5km run - 32km bike - 5km run)
Overall position : 17
Category position : 14
Gun time : 2hours 00 minutes 52 seconds
Run1 : 28mins 41secs
min/km : 5:13
T1 : 1min 57secs
Cycle : 58min 16secs
Avg speed : 32.9km/h
T2 : 1min 32secs
Run2 : 30min 33secs
min/km : 6:06
Not bad at all..... didnt expect this. 4 more places to top 10!
Next year im gunning this one!
09 November 2008
Powerman Malaysia 2008
The big final duathlon race of the year for me and my last big race of 2008. Another event ive been laying eyes on since last year. Now im joining it! The Powerman Duathlon in Sri Manjung, my lovely home soil. I registered under Sprint category (5.5km run 32km bike 5km run). And im proud to say its an international level event with world class athletes. Cool!
Pre Race-Day report : Saturday 8/11/08
Al picked me up from my place (admist communication problems) and his lovely cute cousin tagged along as she is joining the race as well as Al's teamate. Mix Team event. Shoot towards home at abt 3.30 and reached by 6.30 to collect the timing chip and other stuff. Then went home. Al met the family. Then went to find CM and his gang to take them go makan. IN the hotel room i saw his new Look 595 frame. Dayemmm. Cis.....Went for dinner at Teluk Batik. Ikan siakap masak sweet n sour. Best n recommended. Cost u RM3.50 per 100g. Worth it. Then I slept at about 1.30 am. Late rite?
Race Day Report : Sunday 9/11/08
LATE!!!!!!!!!!! Alarm rang at 5.30....tutup balik tidur......woke up at 6.30am! OMG OMG! I tot this time really kantoi. I ask Al he din pasang alarm kah? Al : "Ada......but i heard yours so i off mine." T_____T"
Thank God we did all out packing n stickers n numbers n preparation the night before. We did super fast cleanup and bike up. Left at abt 6.50am. Reached by 7.00am. Luckily still many havent checked into transition area. And thank God this isnt KL. Otherwise i be dead. Sitiawan is next to Manjung.
So quickly check in and warm up for the race. What a way to start the morning race. Zzzz. Saw many of my good cycling/running frends there. Mac, Jaja, Aini, Arif, CM, Adeline, Michelle, Clarence, Jason, Kenny, Vong, PK, May Senn. And it was always lovely to hear Adele's emcee voice in the morning. Lovely gal. Then my dad came along to give some support.
Individual (Long distance - 11k run 64k bike 10k run) racers went off. Headed by Jason Spong of South Africa, Andy Sutz of Switzerland (current World Champion) , and other top duathletes. Shahrom Abdullah (Malaysia's top duathlete) was there too. Very nice guy n very soft spoken.
Relay Team (same distance as Individual) goes off.
My turn! First 1km the legs felt good. Same cant be said about Clarence struggling to follow me and Patrick. I paced myself. Didnt want to run after the next guy/lady that overtakes me. Cant be bothered. I didnt train much so i wasnt expecting much. Running my first race on my home turf in the morning mist was just so nice. I miss home =)
Almost finishing the 5.5km first run. Legs still were good. Time was good too. 27 minits when i reached the stadium. Heard dad holler my name. Gave a quick wave then went on. Bike transition i took about 2minits. Wanted to calm down and not get another cramp for going too fast. Put on my helmet and cycling shoes. Went off with the ultimate mission : BURN the road of Sitiawan/Manjung with my Look frame. Maiden ride on home ground in a race. How wonderful.
I used high cadence and light gearing at 30kmh to warm up the legs. Worked well. After about 2km i got into the high gear TT ring and went aero tuck for the rest of th journey. Cyclist were all over the road. Some used ultra cool freaking bikes while some used down to earth simpler ones. I just blazed the road. First 5km was trying to find the best cadence and position. Kept at 34-35kmh steady pace and i planned to do 38 on the way back.
Cant help but hearing all the noises from the disc and aero wheels. Sounds exactly like a fan running beside you. Marshalls checking riders they dont draft. And in the far ahead distance.... the elite guys returning for their second lap. Amazing.
By the time i got to the Tunku Bainun bridge i went flat out on it. 28kmh up hill. The U-turn back was smooth. No one fell. More riders still behind me and still see an endless beeline of 500 cyclist on the road. The headwind that greeted me after the U turn prevented my to stick to my 38kmh plan. So i just rode 34 all the way back. And the right calf was going "Hey hey.....slow down.....i wont hesitate to pull the trigger." Had to unclip n stretch it for a while.
Thanks to all the marshalls on the road taking care of traffic.
Got back to the stadium. Got off and transitted to the final run. By this time i was 70% spent. Barely had enough to finish the final run. I took a powergel and water just incase. And the run was slow. I guess most were like tat. I was jogging the first 2.5km. And i found myself suddenly alone. No one infront and at the back in sight. I didnt wana push to save the legs. By 4km i started hearing footsteps behind me.....the last 1km seemed the longest last km (sounds familiar dont it?).
After the final traffic light junction to the stadium my watch showed total time of 1hr 59mins 40secs. I WANA REACH IN 2 HOURS!!!! I was just 200 meters away. OMG am i going to make it? Adele excitedly called my number and name while i sprinted to the line.....
2hrs 00mins 40secs. YAHOOOO!!!! Achieved target!
Cannot believe what i just did. Thank God for everything. Bloody best damn race ive had. Clarence came in later at abt 2hrs 35. Then the rest came in much later. I just lepaked arnd waiting for Al to reach n finish. Meanwhile lots of socializing went on. Met people. Asked about their race. Enjoyed the sun. Adele busy emceeing. Melody busy running around.
Oh yes....... the Mens Elite Champion : Jason Spong. Congrats to him. He did superb in 2hrs 45mins i think. Tats crazy nut time. LOL. His bike? Felt DA with Reynolds disc rear and 55mm front. Dayemmmmmmmm......... Shahrom came in 6th in abt 3hrs. Good job bro.
Bike porn everywhere. Saw Mac later on. Funny story of him getting punctured with tossings of tyre levers and pump. Al also punctured on the bridge. Apparently broken glass on the side. I didnt know also..... heard May Senn passed out on the first run. DNF. Oh well.......next year then Senn =)
I loved the free fruits. They should do it at every event like this! CM and Al's team's got 3rd for their respective categories (mixed relay and mens relay). Not bad.
After much sun bathing, went home to water bathe and come for the awards lunch. Tat was final stop at home. After tat would shoot back to KL. Miss home again =(
Awards Lunch (1pm)
Free buffet lunch. Was good. Fellowship was better. LOL. And i won a lucky draw for one session of fitness training worth RM120. Anybody wants? i dont really go to this kind of stuff. Habis makan by 2pm. by 3pm we all cabut after some photo sessions and final goodbyes.
Along the way saw others on the way home with their bikes strapped to the cars. Mine and Al's were happily enjoying the breeze on the rooftop at 100kmh. Then somehow met Mac Adeline May Senn and Shah at the Ulu Bernam RnR filling gas. Small world eh?
Reached KL by 6pm.
Thanks to Al alot for fetching me to and fro. =)
Next years Powerman i will surely enter again. Hope to improve my time.
1st run - 27mins
Bike - 58mins
2nd run - 25mins
See you all next year!
Pre Race-Day report : Saturday 8/11/08
Al picked me up from my place (admist communication problems) and his lovely cute cousin tagged along as she is joining the race as well as Al's teamate. Mix Team event. Shoot towards home at abt 3.30 and reached by 6.30 to collect the timing chip and other stuff. Then went home. Al met the family. Then went to find CM and his gang to take them go makan. IN the hotel room i saw his new Look 595 frame. Dayemmm. Cis.....Went for dinner at Teluk Batik. Ikan siakap masak sweet n sour. Best n recommended. Cost u RM3.50 per 100g. Worth it. Then I slept at about 1.30 am. Late rite?
Race Day Report : Sunday 9/11/08
LATE!!!!!!!!!!! Alarm rang at 5.30....tutup balik tidur......woke up at 6.30am! OMG OMG! I tot this time really kantoi. I ask Al he din pasang alarm kah? Al : "Ada......but i heard yours so i off mine." T_____T"
Thank God we did all out packing n stickers n numbers n preparation the night before. We did super fast cleanup and bike up. Left at abt 6.50am. Reached by 7.00am. Luckily still many havent checked into transition area. And thank God this isnt KL. Otherwise i be dead. Sitiawan is next to Manjung.
So quickly check in and warm up for the race. What a way to start the morning race. Zzzz. Saw many of my good cycling/running frends there. Mac, Jaja, Aini, Arif, CM, Adeline, Michelle, Clarence, Jason, Kenny, Vong, PK, May Senn. And it was always lovely to hear Adele's emcee voice in the morning. Lovely gal. Then my dad came along to give some support.
Individual (Long distance - 11k run 64k bike 10k run) racers went off. Headed by Jason Spong of South Africa, Andy Sutz of Switzerland (current World Champion) , and other top duathletes. Shahrom Abdullah (Malaysia's top duathlete) was there too. Very nice guy n very soft spoken.
Relay Team (same distance as Individual) goes off.
My turn! First 1km the legs felt good. Same cant be said about Clarence struggling to follow me and Patrick. I paced myself. Didnt want to run after the next guy/lady that overtakes me. Cant be bothered. I didnt train much so i wasnt expecting much. Running my first race on my home turf in the morning mist was just so nice. I miss home =)
Almost finishing the 5.5km first run. Legs still were good. Time was good too. 27 minits when i reached the stadium. Heard dad holler my name. Gave a quick wave then went on. Bike transition i took about 2minits. Wanted to calm down and not get another cramp for going too fast. Put on my helmet and cycling shoes. Went off with the ultimate mission : BURN the road of Sitiawan/Manjung with my Look frame. Maiden ride on home ground in a race. How wonderful.
I used high cadence and light gearing at 30kmh to warm up the legs. Worked well. After about 2km i got into the high gear TT ring and went aero tuck for the rest of th journey. Cyclist were all over the road. Some used ultra cool freaking bikes while some used down to earth simpler ones. I just blazed the road. First 5km was trying to find the best cadence and position. Kept at 34-35kmh steady pace and i planned to do 38 on the way back.
Cant help but hearing all the noises from the disc and aero wheels. Sounds exactly like a fan running beside you. Marshalls checking riders they dont draft. And in the far ahead distance.... the elite guys returning for their second lap. Amazing.
By the time i got to the Tunku Bainun bridge i went flat out on it. 28kmh up hill. The U-turn back was smooth. No one fell. More riders still behind me and still see an endless beeline of 500 cyclist on the road. The headwind that greeted me after the U turn prevented my to stick to my 38kmh plan. So i just rode 34 all the way back. And the right calf was going "Hey hey.....slow down.....i wont hesitate to pull the trigger." Had to unclip n stretch it for a while.
Thanks to all the marshalls on the road taking care of traffic.
Got back to the stadium. Got off and transitted to the final run. By this time i was 70% spent. Barely had enough to finish the final run. I took a powergel and water just incase. And the run was slow. I guess most were like tat. I was jogging the first 2.5km. And i found myself suddenly alone. No one infront and at the back in sight. I didnt wana push to save the legs. By 4km i started hearing footsteps behind me.....the last 1km seemed the longest last km (sounds familiar dont it?).
After the final traffic light junction to the stadium my watch showed total time of 1hr 59mins 40secs. I WANA REACH IN 2 HOURS!!!! I was just 200 meters away. OMG am i going to make it? Adele excitedly called my number and name while i sprinted to the line.....
2hrs 00mins 40secs. YAHOOOO!!!! Achieved target!
Cannot believe what i just did. Thank God for everything. Bloody best damn race ive had. Clarence came in later at abt 2hrs 35. Then the rest came in much later. I just lepaked arnd waiting for Al to reach n finish. Meanwhile lots of socializing went on. Met people. Asked about their race. Enjoyed the sun. Adele busy emceeing. Melody busy running around.
Oh yes....... the Mens Elite Champion : Jason Spong. Congrats to him. He did superb in 2hrs 45mins i think. Tats crazy nut time. LOL. His bike? Felt DA with Reynolds disc rear and 55mm front. Dayemmmmmmmm......... Shahrom came in 6th in abt 3hrs. Good job bro.
Bike porn everywhere. Saw Mac later on. Funny story of him getting punctured with tossings of tyre levers and pump. Al also punctured on the bridge. Apparently broken glass on the side. I didnt know also..... heard May Senn passed out on the first run. DNF. Oh well.......next year then Senn =)
I loved the free fruits. They should do it at every event like this! CM and Al's team's got 3rd for their respective categories (mixed relay and mens relay). Not bad.
After much sun bathing, went home to water bathe and come for the awards lunch. Tat was final stop at home. After tat would shoot back to KL. Miss home again =(
Awards Lunch (1pm)
Free buffet lunch. Was good. Fellowship was better. LOL. And i won a lucky draw for one session of fitness training worth RM120. Anybody wants? i dont really go to this kind of stuff. Habis makan by 2pm. by 3pm we all cabut after some photo sessions and final goodbyes.
Along the way saw others on the way home with their bikes strapped to the cars. Mine and Al's were happily enjoying the breeze on the rooftop at 100kmh. Then somehow met Mac Adeline May Senn and Shah at the Ulu Bernam RnR filling gas. Small world eh?
Reached KL by 6pm.
Thanks to Al alot for fetching me to and fro. =)
Next years Powerman i will surely enter again. Hope to improve my time.
1st run - 27mins
Bike - 58mins
2nd run - 25mins
See you all next year!
03 November 2008
Just to announce and share some wonderful news :
3 new pastors have been ordained in my church, Ps Jason Wong, Ps Monica Lee and Ps Jadeline Lee.
All 3 were ministry assistants under Ps David (Senior and founding pastor of World Harvest Church) , they have proved their calling by God to fulfill a lifetime vocation to serve God and do His works of expanding the Kingdom of God and enhancing the Vision of WHC. They have laid down their lives and showed great faith living under God's providence.
So with them being my friends and esp Ps Jason being my section leader, its great news to hear them being ordained. I pray and bless them with more wonderful years in ministry serving and walking with the Lord. May God grant them wisdom sound, mind, greater expansion of faith, more annointing, more grace, more impartation of the Holy Spirit, more blessings, more love for the lost, more favour and more of just everything they need. Amen
Will have to get used to calling them Pastors but because we are of the same age group usually its ok to just call them normally by name.
The other great news :
Ps Jason Wong and Ps Jadeline Lee are getting married next year! Wonderful. God bless their marriage.
3 new pastors have been ordained in my church, Ps Jason Wong, Ps Monica Lee and Ps Jadeline Lee.
All 3 were ministry assistants under Ps David (Senior and founding pastor of World Harvest Church) , they have proved their calling by God to fulfill a lifetime vocation to serve God and do His works of expanding the Kingdom of God and enhancing the Vision of WHC. They have laid down their lives and showed great faith living under God's providence.
So with them being my friends and esp Ps Jason being my section leader, its great news to hear them being ordained. I pray and bless them with more wonderful years in ministry serving and walking with the Lord. May God grant them wisdom sound, mind, greater expansion of faith, more annointing, more grace, more impartation of the Holy Spirit, more blessings, more love for the lost, more favour and more of just everything they need. Amen
Will have to get used to calling them Pastors but because we are of the same age group usually its ok to just call them normally by name.
The other great news :
Ps Jason Wong and Ps Jadeline Lee are getting married next year! Wonderful. God bless their marriage.
01 November 2008
Back on the bike
Ah.......finally today i got to ride after a long month break. Was really happy to test out the Look frame. And more excited was i was riding with Elaine Wong. First time meet her and shes really a bubbly girl. At least my rides not so boring.
Only problem is i was a little rusty.......no........seriously rusty. And Elaine was seriously the fitter one. Got dropped by her all the time. Humbling? Humiliating? Argh.......kayuh jer lah.....
Went from Batu 14 - Perez - Tekala - Batu 14. And for a start..........after a long long while off the bike...... 121km. Gosh.......
Bumped into Bahri's group along the way and i was so happy to see him. We havent seen each other in months. Miss him alot coz i like to kacau him n he likes to crap alot of nonsense @!$%(^).
At the end of the day, the bike was really really up to my expectations. Light and responsive. But i didnt expect to pick up a knee injury this soon. T____T" . Oh well.....i am really grateful to Elaine for fetching me home. She's really nice. Oh yah, original Hong Kong girl some more. ^^
So gona take a nice rest n carbo loading now. Report over.
Next week is Powerman Duathlon!!! And on my home turf in Sri Manjung/Sitiawan. Hope to see any of u guys there!
My race no. is 623. So just open your eyes big big for my number if u wana chat or kiss me. Hehe.
O n O.
Only problem is i was a little rusty.......no........seriously rusty. And Elaine was seriously the fitter one. Got dropped by her all the time. Humbling? Humiliating? Argh.......kayuh jer lah.....
Went from Batu 14 - Perez - Tekala - Batu 14. And for a start..........after a long long while off the bike...... 121km. Gosh.......
Bumped into Bahri's group along the way and i was so happy to see him. We havent seen each other in months. Miss him alot coz i like to kacau him n he likes to crap alot of nonsense @!$%(^).
At the end of the day, the bike was really really up to my expectations. Light and responsive. But i didnt expect to pick up a knee injury this soon. T____T" . Oh well.....i am really grateful to Elaine for fetching me home. She's really nice. Oh yah, original Hong Kong girl some more. ^^
So gona take a nice rest n carbo loading now. Report over.
Next week is Powerman Duathlon!!! And on my home turf in Sri Manjung/Sitiawan. Hope to see any of u guys there!
My race no. is 623. So just open your eyes big big for my number if u wana chat or kiss me. Hehe.
O n O.
25 October 2008
I learned yet another timely message from Ps David today. Regarding a few things but mostly our authority.
As a Christian, a Christ follower, a person with the Good News, it is good indeed that not only me but all Christ believers especially to know their real authority that is given by Christ Jesus.
Lets start with a few simple questions : How many of you out there would be willing to let someone use your phone for a month? How many of you would let others use your company's business seal/stamp? How many of you would let someone use your own name?
Im guessing 99% will say NO. The 1% is for insurance.
So what authority is Christ referring here? It is using His very own name and His very own given power to help spread the Good Word and come against the devil in all circumstances.
If you still didnt know there is great power in the name of Jesus Christ, go read your bible more. Jesus Himself said that He has given all those who believe and do His works on earth, the right to use His name and His authority, to cast out demons, to be in spiritual warfare, in handling situations, in anything. The fact tat Jesus entrusts us so much to use His name for good works shows He is just that trusting in us. He did not only give it to JUST Pastors and the Pope alone , no. You can read four Gospels of Mark Matthew Luke and John and even the whole bible. He didnt just give it to the leaders. It is for anyone who follows Christ.
The Jesus that the pastor and I believe in is the same. There is no difference. Jesus is Jesus and there is only one Jesus. And God said so tat He loves all of us equally regardless of rank, wealth, skin color, race, social status. The story of Lazarus the beggar and the rich man serves as a good reminder. U can be rich n do good deeds but if u dont honour God u still end up no where. But if you are poor yet u still love God with all your heart and you acknowledge Jesus, God is pleased most of all.
So Jesus had the authority of God with Him, being the Son of God. He just cast out demons from possessed people not by chanting or by rituals. Simply He just said "Get out!". And the demon left. Why? THere is power and the presence of God. Demons and even Satan himself cannot tolerate God's Holy presence. And they have to bow to the power and authority of Jesus Christ because He is God whose command is the highest in the spiritual realm.
And we have that SAME authority as children of God. You hear something? WAKE UP.
Why is it so important to know this authority? IT is important so tat we can hit back at the devil. NOt becouse we wana cause war. But its because the devil will NOT give up tempting and ruining our lives as long as we are on earth.
To tell you the truth as it is in the Bible, God said :
"For we do not fight against human flesh and blood, but we fight principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places " - Ephisians 6:12
Basically wat it means is we are not suppose to accuse or fight againts humans. But we are fighting a spiritual battle between the devil and his demons ( principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places). Every bad thing on earth has a spiritual root behind it. It is real. Not a lie. And the one thing Satan loves to do is pull down people from high places. Ruin lives. And cause fear and destructions. His only sole missions are to steal kill and destroy.
Pastor Mike Gugliemucci of Planetshakers was a victim of that. He is not to be blamed at any level at all. This is a real example tat the devil hates Gods people that are progressing to preach the Good News. So much that the devil will do anything to stop it. But wat most people do is judge others first. This is the first step to cause seperation in the church and the body of Christ. And when that happens, the whole body of Christ is no longer unified. This is very important to note the devils tricks and misguidance.
As Christians we are at the spiritual frontier. The front line soldies battling to save this earth. And we are fighting a spritiual battle everyday. And in battle........there are bound to be casualties. So when theres a casualty, are we gona leave him to die out there? NO rite? As fellow soldiers we got to RESCUE him and HEAL him. RECOVERY is important in the Body of Christ. If you keep wounding a wounded soldier how will you expect him to recover for the next battle?
So people of God, please, when your church has problems, leaders fall, members fall, dont blame them. Keep them in prayer! Help them rise up! Praise God with them! They need it most. Use your authority to put an end! And you will see things change! We must know the plans of the enemy well before we go to war. If you go to war blindly that is foolish.
Once again , knowing Christ's authority gives you protection from spiritual attacks. The power of God is great.
"He is far above all rulers, authorities, powers, lords, and all other names that can be named, not only in this present world but also in the world to come." - Ephisians 1:21
So there is nothing to be affraid when we have Jesus Christ with us. Why was Jesus sleeping on the boat when His disciples were screaming for help in the stromy seas? He wants to teach them to not fear anything when God Himself is just sleeping beside. Jesus just woke up and rebuked the waves and the winds. And it became calm. That is the power of God.
In Psalm 91, God says we can trample over snakes and scorpions (representing the devil and his demons). When we step on these creatures we get a nasty lashback, but in the power of God, nothing will work against us. It all boils down to your faith. Dont let it be like Peter when he had half hearted faith while walking on water towards Jesus. When Peter's heart was on Jesus, he did not sink. But when he lost focus he sank. Same as it is with out faith. As we have faith on God , we will not sink.
Use your authority! Change your life situation! Why depend on others to pray for you when you can also pray using the same authority you and I have in Jesus? The problem with some is that they always seek others who are "spiritually matured and higher rank" to pray for them, simply because they feel they are not authorised or good enough. This is another lie of the devil. By making us think we are inferior, that is the devils open door to mislead us.
WAKE UP! RISE UP! TAKE AUTHORITY! Show the devil tat he is a loser in the end coz God has already won the battle of death. If the God we know has won over death, and even give us His authority, and given us the right to bless and sow, given us the ability to perform signs healings and miracles, what are we so affraid of? Death is conquered! Amen! Why some Christians hide in the closet is bcoz they dont see the real power in the name of Christ.
We need to be aware of this in order to advance and fight against Satan. God has placed us higher in rank above demons, devil and angels. We are just next in terms of rank to God. Isnt that wonderful? We are going to be seated at the right hand of God when we get to heaven.
So Followers of Christ, take up your authority and go with the Word of God. Spread the Word and do the works of God more and more. I myself am learning that. But I share this for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Nothing beats seeing God's wonderful plan come to pass.
"And remember that I am always with you until the end of time." - Matthew 28:20
Hope everyone has been blessed.
God Bless.Amen.
As a Christian, a Christ follower, a person with the Good News, it is good indeed that not only me but all Christ believers especially to know their real authority that is given by Christ Jesus.
Lets start with a few simple questions : How many of you out there would be willing to let someone use your phone for a month? How many of you would let others use your company's business seal/stamp? How many of you would let someone use your own name?
Im guessing 99% will say NO. The 1% is for insurance.
So what authority is Christ referring here? It is using His very own name and His very own given power to help spread the Good Word and come against the devil in all circumstances.
If you still didnt know there is great power in the name of Jesus Christ, go read your bible more. Jesus Himself said that He has given all those who believe and do His works on earth, the right to use His name and His authority, to cast out demons, to be in spiritual warfare, in handling situations, in anything. The fact tat Jesus entrusts us so much to use His name for good works shows He is just that trusting in us. He did not only give it to JUST Pastors and the Pope alone , no. You can read four Gospels of Mark Matthew Luke and John and even the whole bible. He didnt just give it to the leaders. It is for anyone who follows Christ.
The Jesus that the pastor and I believe in is the same. There is no difference. Jesus is Jesus and there is only one Jesus. And God said so tat He loves all of us equally regardless of rank, wealth, skin color, race, social status. The story of Lazarus the beggar and the rich man serves as a good reminder. U can be rich n do good deeds but if u dont honour God u still end up no where. But if you are poor yet u still love God with all your heart and you acknowledge Jesus, God is pleased most of all.
So Jesus had the authority of God with Him, being the Son of God. He just cast out demons from possessed people not by chanting or by rituals. Simply He just said "Get out!". And the demon left. Why? THere is power and the presence of God. Demons and even Satan himself cannot tolerate God's Holy presence. And they have to bow to the power and authority of Jesus Christ because He is God whose command is the highest in the spiritual realm.
And we have that SAME authority as children of God. You hear something? WAKE UP.
Why is it so important to know this authority? IT is important so tat we can hit back at the devil. NOt becouse we wana cause war. But its because the devil will NOT give up tempting and ruining our lives as long as we are on earth.
To tell you the truth as it is in the Bible, God said :
"For we do not fight against human flesh and blood, but we fight principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places " - Ephisians 6:12
Basically wat it means is we are not suppose to accuse or fight againts humans. But we are fighting a spiritual battle between the devil and his demons ( principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places). Every bad thing on earth has a spiritual root behind it. It is real. Not a lie. And the one thing Satan loves to do is pull down people from high places. Ruin lives. And cause fear and destructions. His only sole missions are to steal kill and destroy.
Pastor Mike Gugliemucci of Planetshakers was a victim of that. He is not to be blamed at any level at all. This is a real example tat the devil hates Gods people that are progressing to preach the Good News. So much that the devil will do anything to stop it. But wat most people do is judge others first. This is the first step to cause seperation in the church and the body of Christ. And when that happens, the whole body of Christ is no longer unified. This is very important to note the devils tricks and misguidance.
As Christians we are at the spiritual frontier. The front line soldies battling to save this earth. And we are fighting a spritiual battle everyday. And in battle........there are bound to be casualties. So when theres a casualty, are we gona leave him to die out there? NO rite? As fellow soldiers we got to RESCUE him and HEAL him. RECOVERY is important in the Body of Christ. If you keep wounding a wounded soldier how will you expect him to recover for the next battle?
So people of God, please, when your church has problems, leaders fall, members fall, dont blame them. Keep them in prayer! Help them rise up! Praise God with them! They need it most. Use your authority to put an end! And you will see things change! We must know the plans of the enemy well before we go to war. If you go to war blindly that is foolish.
Once again , knowing Christ's authority gives you protection from spiritual attacks. The power of God is great.
"He is far above all rulers, authorities, powers, lords, and all other names that can be named, not only in this present world but also in the world to come." - Ephisians 1:21
So there is nothing to be affraid when we have Jesus Christ with us. Why was Jesus sleeping on the boat when His disciples were screaming for help in the stromy seas? He wants to teach them to not fear anything when God Himself is just sleeping beside. Jesus just woke up and rebuked the waves and the winds. And it became calm. That is the power of God.
In Psalm 91, God says we can trample over snakes and scorpions (representing the devil and his demons). When we step on these creatures we get a nasty lashback, but in the power of God, nothing will work against us. It all boils down to your faith. Dont let it be like Peter when he had half hearted faith while walking on water towards Jesus. When Peter's heart was on Jesus, he did not sink. But when he lost focus he sank. Same as it is with out faith. As we have faith on God , we will not sink.
Use your authority! Change your life situation! Why depend on others to pray for you when you can also pray using the same authority you and I have in Jesus? The problem with some is that they always seek others who are "spiritually matured and higher rank" to pray for them, simply because they feel they are not authorised or good enough. This is another lie of the devil. By making us think we are inferior, that is the devils open door to mislead us.
WAKE UP! RISE UP! TAKE AUTHORITY! Show the devil tat he is a loser in the end coz God has already won the battle of death. If the God we know has won over death, and even give us His authority, and given us the right to bless and sow, given us the ability to perform signs healings and miracles, what are we so affraid of? Death is conquered! Amen! Why some Christians hide in the closet is bcoz they dont see the real power in the name of Christ.
We need to be aware of this in order to advance and fight against Satan. God has placed us higher in rank above demons, devil and angels. We are just next in terms of rank to God. Isnt that wonderful? We are going to be seated at the right hand of God when we get to heaven.
So Followers of Christ, take up your authority and go with the Word of God. Spread the Word and do the works of God more and more. I myself am learning that. But I share this for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Nothing beats seeing God's wonderful plan come to pass.
"And remember that I am always with you until the end of time." - Matthew 28:20
Hope everyone has been blessed.
God Bless.Amen.
23 October 2008
Miracles of God
Yup this is another miracle i like to share from my very own life.
I was serving during Praise Celebration last Sunday. Everything was fine..........till i had gastric.
It has been a very long time since i have a gastric this bad. It was very painful and irritating. Yet serving God i just put on a very brave face as if i was fine, but God knows how much in pain i was. And throughout the preaching i was in that same pain.
I kept drinking water to alleviate the pain, but it only worked for a while before the pain became worse. All i needed was milk. Tat was my usual cure.
Some how for some reason the song Healer was on the list of worship songs that day. So yeah......
I was serving during Praise Celebration last Sunday. Everything was fine..........till i had gastric.
It has been a very long time since i have a gastric this bad. It was very painful and irritating. Yet serving God i just put on a very brave face as if i was fine, but God knows how much in pain i was. And throughout the preaching i was in that same pain.
I kept drinking water to alleviate the pain, but it only worked for a while before the pain became worse. All i needed was milk. Tat was my usual cure.
Some how for some reason the song Healer was on the list of worship songs that day. So yeah......
"I believe, You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I Believe, You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need"
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I Believe, You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need"
And i just prayed and had faith in God tat i wont have a hole in my stomach by the end of the service.
To me (and i think many others), when i have gastric and if i didnt drink milk to cure it.......it would be IMPOSSIBLE to eat food. Coz tat would make things worse by a million times.
Yet the guys wanted to go for lunch after service.......which i just followed hoping to get some milk along the way. But i duno why i didnt sounded to my mates to stop n get milk. We just went straight to Spice n Chill Noodles.
Oh God..........help me............
And there I was at the table ordering food in pain still.........
Yet i duno why there is this little voice in me saying "Order something to eat........order something nice."
Well, i PRESUMED it was from God speaking to my heart. So i just ordered a simple chicken soup noodle with house salad n cold milo (RM8.30 for all of this). I didnt even know what i was doing. Suicide? I just prayed AT LEAST the milo will help and i take my slow time eating.
When my food arrived.......i just said grace. And the next thing i said to my self was......
Coz the first bite of food tat went into my stomach..........was..........painless!
And i could keep on eating. With NO pain. And now i realised tat i just got another miracle healing. That i didnt need milk, the doctor or anything. I really was so amazed at the way God works His miracles. I ate like normal, a bowl of noodles and a bowl of salad. Down with nice cold milo.
Praise the Lord. Amen
The one thing i keep learning is to just trust God and believe in Him and just do as He says. Though i may not see it or understand at times, but Gods ways are higher than any of ours. And His plans are flawless. I am not lying here. If i was then God shall judge me when i see Him in heaven.
I pray for this miracles to be upon everyone else as well coz it is just simply awesome!
God Bless You.
To me (and i think many others), when i have gastric and if i didnt drink milk to cure it.......it would be IMPOSSIBLE to eat food. Coz tat would make things worse by a million times.
Yet the guys wanted to go for lunch after service.......which i just followed hoping to get some milk along the way. But i duno why i didnt sounded to my mates to stop n get milk. We just went straight to Spice n Chill Noodles.
Oh God..........help me............
And there I was at the table ordering food in pain still.........
Yet i duno why there is this little voice in me saying "Order something to eat........order something nice."
Well, i PRESUMED it was from God speaking to my heart. So i just ordered a simple chicken soup noodle with house salad n cold milo (RM8.30 for all of this). I didnt even know what i was doing. Suicide? I just prayed AT LEAST the milo will help and i take my slow time eating.
When my food arrived.......i just said grace. And the next thing i said to my self was......
Coz the first bite of food tat went into my stomach..........was..........painless!
And i could keep on eating. With NO pain. And now i realised tat i just got another miracle healing. That i didnt need milk, the doctor or anything. I really was so amazed at the way God works His miracles. I ate like normal, a bowl of noodles and a bowl of salad. Down with nice cold milo.
Praise the Lord. Amen
The one thing i keep learning is to just trust God and believe in Him and just do as He says. Though i may not see it or understand at times, but Gods ways are higher than any of ours. And His plans are flawless. I am not lying here. If i was then God shall judge me when i see Him in heaven.
I pray for this miracles to be upon everyone else as well coz it is just simply awesome!
God Bless You.
Sanctification. What words come to your mind when hearing this?
Well most will think of holiness, purity, setting apart, separation, cleanliness, righteousness, etc etc.
Most will say tat sanctification is getting rid of sins, or better word is cleansing the sins away from ones self. In another word, becoming holy. Many have tried to sanctify themselves through various means. Some believe walking on their knees for 20km will do the job. Some might pray and fast for a whole month. Some might try to shut themselves away alone and meditate to focus on ridding their sins. Some pray to many gods to ask for a cleansing. Some turn to monks and mediums. Many people will do anything to cleans their sins. Its not wrong to try to sanctify yourself. At least it shows awareness that sin is something no one wants in their life.
But here is what I have learned from the Word of God. That no matter WHAT you do to try to sanctify yourself, its useless.
Yes, all that effort you put in just wont work. Why? Simply because we are not qualified. We are not able.
Lets get to the bottom of this. Adam and Eve sinned first before God. And their descendants (thats us) inherit their sins. As long as we are on this earth, in this sinful earth, with an inheritance of sins, a body and mind capable of sinning anytime anywhere, there just isn't anything we can do to cleanse our sins by ourselves. We are already stuck in quicksand, how are we suppose to get ourselves out of it? The MORE you try the faster you sink.
Another reason is that we are limited beings. We can only go so far as our body mind and soul can take. But no further than the confines of this realm. The spiritual realm is the only place to accomplish sanctification since sin is originated from the spirit. But we are here on earth, what possibly can we do?
The more we try to sanctify ourselves the more guilty we will feel. Because when we count the number of sins we have to clean, it will be very very over whelming. You can try and i can say it wont be pleasent. Admitting your sins to a pastor or a priest doesnt mean the sin is off your shoulders just yet. And by right, sanctification isnt suppose to be condemning. IF it is then it is a wrong sanctification because it will discourage ourselves.
Since we cannot sacntify (and no one can) ourselves, who can?
Answer : Jesus Christ and His blood.
Why do i say this?
In the four Gospels, Christ is the Saviour, Redeemer, Healer, Provider and Restorer. His blood was shed for the FORGIVENESS of sins.
The place where we can give our sins (yes GIVE AWAY) is only at the Cross where Jesus Christ, the Son of God laid down His life so that when we ask from Him with an open heart for forgiveness of all the sins in our life, He will forgive. We are akin to a "dirty rag". Yes it is very true. Everyone here on earth (you and me and everyone else) is as dirty as that.
But Christ has also said "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.
In this context "burden" is anything. Anything tat bothers our heart. Our sins. Our dirtyness. Our filthiness. He has already said "come to me". No condition. Just come to Him. You dont have to bow 2000 times or walk on your knees. You dont need to sit under a waterfall. Just come to he very presence of God.
So what should sanctification be?
It is the constant renewing of our minds in Christ. It is constantly acknowledging tat Christ is in control and tat by His blood we are set free from sins. It is by following Christ's footsteps.
Honestly to say, God doesnt need us to do anything for Him. But He loves us so much tat He wants to involve Himself in our lives. Problem is we are sinners. The good news is Christ paid the debt of our sins on the cross. The best news of all is : When we believe in Christ, when we cover ourselves in His blood, God WIPES AWAY all the sins in us WHEN we go to heaven and see Him face to face. He will delete the bad reports because Christ shed the blood of forgiveness.
It is not by our own strength we can sanctify ourselves. No one on earth can sanctify anyone. Only God can do that. Coz it involves His grace and His mercy.
The only thing we CAN do to help with our own sanctification is constantly have a heart like that of Jesus Christ. Doing the works of God. Placing Him in the highest. Remember God see's the heart and not the outward. You cannot lie or bluff God.
He turns away from the proud, but He will exhort the humble.
I can tell you tat I am not at all worried about sanctification because thats not my ability or my job to cleans my own sins , since i cant do it. But what i can do is serve God all out. Go after His heart. Walk with Him. Place Him in the Highest. Cover myself with the blood of Jesus. Coming to the Cross everyday. Meeting God all the time. And doing His works of expanding His Kingdom and remembering the Great Commandment and Great Commission.
That alone is already sanctification under Gods grace and mercy.
I put all my trust, faith and hope in God above, the begginer and finisher of my faith.
I will rejoice at the heavenly rewards that Christ has promised.
There is nothing religious in here.
Its all about Him and my love for Him
God Bless You all
Well most will think of holiness, purity, setting apart, separation, cleanliness, righteousness, etc etc.
Most will say tat sanctification is getting rid of sins, or better word is cleansing the sins away from ones self. In another word, becoming holy. Many have tried to sanctify themselves through various means. Some believe walking on their knees for 20km will do the job. Some might pray and fast for a whole month. Some might try to shut themselves away alone and meditate to focus on ridding their sins. Some pray to many gods to ask for a cleansing. Some turn to monks and mediums. Many people will do anything to cleans their sins. Its not wrong to try to sanctify yourself. At least it shows awareness that sin is something no one wants in their life.
But here is what I have learned from the Word of God. That no matter WHAT you do to try to sanctify yourself, its useless.
Yes, all that effort you put in just wont work. Why? Simply because we are not qualified. We are not able.
Lets get to the bottom of this. Adam and Eve sinned first before God. And their descendants (thats us) inherit their sins. As long as we are on this earth, in this sinful earth, with an inheritance of sins, a body and mind capable of sinning anytime anywhere, there just isn't anything we can do to cleanse our sins by ourselves. We are already stuck in quicksand, how are we suppose to get ourselves out of it? The MORE you try the faster you sink.
Another reason is that we are limited beings. We can only go so far as our body mind and soul can take. But no further than the confines of this realm. The spiritual realm is the only place to accomplish sanctification since sin is originated from the spirit. But we are here on earth, what possibly can we do?
The more we try to sanctify ourselves the more guilty we will feel. Because when we count the number of sins we have to clean, it will be very very over whelming. You can try and i can say it wont be pleasent. Admitting your sins to a pastor or a priest doesnt mean the sin is off your shoulders just yet. And by right, sanctification isnt suppose to be condemning. IF it is then it is a wrong sanctification because it will discourage ourselves.
Since we cannot sacntify (and no one can) ourselves, who can?
Answer : Jesus Christ and His blood.
Why do i say this?
In the four Gospels, Christ is the Saviour, Redeemer, Healer, Provider and Restorer. His blood was shed for the FORGIVENESS of sins.
The place where we can give our sins (yes GIVE AWAY) is only at the Cross where Jesus Christ, the Son of God laid down His life so that when we ask from Him with an open heart for forgiveness of all the sins in our life, He will forgive. We are akin to a "dirty rag". Yes it is very true. Everyone here on earth (you and me and everyone else) is as dirty as that.
But Christ has also said "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.
In this context "burden" is anything. Anything tat bothers our heart. Our sins. Our dirtyness. Our filthiness. He has already said "come to me". No condition. Just come to Him. You dont have to bow 2000 times or walk on your knees. You dont need to sit under a waterfall. Just come to he very presence of God.
So what should sanctification be?
It is the constant renewing of our minds in Christ. It is constantly acknowledging tat Christ is in control and tat by His blood we are set free from sins. It is by following Christ's footsteps.
Honestly to say, God doesnt need us to do anything for Him. But He loves us so much tat He wants to involve Himself in our lives. Problem is we are sinners. The good news is Christ paid the debt of our sins on the cross. The best news of all is : When we believe in Christ, when we cover ourselves in His blood, God WIPES AWAY all the sins in us WHEN we go to heaven and see Him face to face. He will delete the bad reports because Christ shed the blood of forgiveness.
It is not by our own strength we can sanctify ourselves. No one on earth can sanctify anyone. Only God can do that. Coz it involves His grace and His mercy.
The only thing we CAN do to help with our own sanctification is constantly have a heart like that of Jesus Christ. Doing the works of God. Placing Him in the highest. Remember God see's the heart and not the outward. You cannot lie or bluff God.
He turns away from the proud, but He will exhort the humble.
I can tell you tat I am not at all worried about sanctification because thats not my ability or my job to cleans my own sins , since i cant do it. But what i can do is serve God all out. Go after His heart. Walk with Him. Place Him in the Highest. Cover myself with the blood of Jesus. Coming to the Cross everyday. Meeting God all the time. And doing His works of expanding His Kingdom and remembering the Great Commandment and Great Commission.
That alone is already sanctification under Gods grace and mercy.
I put all my trust, faith and hope in God above, the begginer and finisher of my faith.
I will rejoice at the heavenly rewards that Christ has promised.
There is nothing religious in here.
Its all about Him and my love for Him
God Bless You all
21 October 2008
My King
Isnt there more than I can say
That You are the One
Alpha Omega Beginning Finisher
I see wonders
I have the Spirit in me
By Your will
Your mercy has been there for me
The King of Kings
Crowns of glory for You
Heaven is where You are
Heaven is Yours
I cannot understand
Yet I believe
I worship You
I have faith
With all my heart
Blessing and honour
The Saviour came
With power and authority
Reigns over the earth
Lord O Mighty
You showed me Your ways
Forever praise is in my heart
For you
My King
That You are the One
Alpha Omega Beginning Finisher
I see wonders
I have the Spirit in me
By Your will
Your mercy has been there for me
The King of Kings
Crowns of glory for You
Heaven is where You are
Heaven is Yours
I cannot understand
Yet I believe
I worship You
I have faith
With all my heart
Blessing and honour
The Saviour came
With power and authority
Reigns over the earth
Lord O Mighty
You showed me Your ways
Forever praise is in my heart
For you
My King
18 October 2008
Alright its time i let out the news........though some already know.
My loyal Polygon bike has left my legs for the final time last month. It is in the hands of its new owner. reason why i sold it? Got a new frame from a frend in JB.
To pay tribute to a frame from 2004 - 2008 , it was an honour to go through thick and thin with it. I've been to places i will have never imagined with it. Genting Highlands, Ipoh - Kuala Kangsar - Parit - Batu Gajah. Interstate 2008 (Kajang - Kuantan), Batu 14 - Tekala, Putrajaya Night Ride, MUDS, and most of the time on my hometown roads.
It has served me 7005km so far. A loyal frend. Survived a few small falls.......but tough it is. So heres the final pics before it was sent off.......
Down to its barest form.....

The Red Machine. Ive changed to a set of Michelin Pro2 Race (red) tyres to match the red theme. A short test shows this frame is responsive and fast. Stiff as well.........
Im going to have fun and hopefully another enjoyable 7000km on this frame
Im Back on the Bike!!!!
My loyal Polygon bike has left my legs for the final time last month. It is in the hands of its new owner. reason why i sold it? Got a new frame from a frend in JB.
To pay tribute to a frame from 2004 - 2008 , it was an honour to go through thick and thin with it. I've been to places i will have never imagined with it. Genting Highlands, Ipoh - Kuala Kangsar - Parit - Batu Gajah. Interstate 2008 (Kajang - Kuantan), Batu 14 - Tekala, Putrajaya Night Ride, MUDS, and most of the time on my hometown roads.
It has served me 7005km so far. A loyal frend. Survived a few small falls.......but tough it is. So heres the final pics before it was sent off.......

Now with all the tears gone........my new arrival. Carbon all round. Light and responsive.
Introducing............ the LOOK KG241.
Used to be a professional riders choice back in 2003/2004 season. Features carbon tubes with aluminium lugs. Carbon fork and seatpost. Frame alone at 2kg. Abit heavy since its a slightly old model. New model now is the Look 586 and their flagship 595 frame. Those weight at abt 1.3kg
I have just finished putting it all together today after running into problems with a stuck seatpost. So here i reveal..........my new (not 100% new NEW) ride.......
Introducing............ the LOOK KG241.
Used to be a professional riders choice back in 2003/2004 season. Features carbon tubes with aluminium lugs. Carbon fork and seatpost. Frame alone at 2kg. Abit heavy since its a slightly old model. New model now is the Look 586 and their flagship 595 frame. Those weight at abt 1.3kg
I have just finished putting it all together today after running into problems with a stuck seatpost. So here i reveal..........my new (not 100% new NEW) ride.......

The Red Machine. Ive changed to a set of Michelin Pro2 Race (red) tyres to match the red theme. A short test shows this frame is responsive and fast. Stiff as well.........
Im going to have fun and hopefully another enjoyable 7000km on this frame
Im Back on the Bike!!!!
14 October 2008
Fun Stuff To Do - FSTD (not to be confused with Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease)
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title to answer the question even if it doesnt make sense. No CHEATING.
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the question.
How are you feeling today?
Let It Snow Let It Snow - Jaci Velasquez
(Yeah man!!!! I NEED SNOW!!!!)
Will you get far in life?
Emmanuel - Hillsongs
(God is with me so im sure i will get far and beyond in life!)
What is your best friend's theme song?
Asthma - POD
(Gosh......i hope he doesnt really have Asth )
What is the story of your life?
Blind - Unknown
(I was blind.......yes.......but now i see =D)
What was high school like?
Lord I Lift Your Name On High - Sonicflood
(Well i didnt really know the Lord back then.....but well.......)
How can you get ahead in life?
Place in The World - Michael W. Smith
(I'll get as far as wherever God places me in the world!)
What is the best thing about your friends?
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Michael W. Smith
(They are my help sometimes when i need it....hehe)
What is in store for this weekend?
Highest - Hillsongs
(Weekends are always my highest points coz thats when Praise Celebration is man!!! Wohooo!!!)
What song describes you?
Live For You - Altered Frequency
(Yup tats rite......I live for Jesus only!!!)
To describe your grandparents?
All Of My Days - Hillsongs
(Well they have been around most of my days.....LOL.....)
How is life going?
Here I Stand - Paradise Worship
(I always stand under Gods light and His grace......tats how life goes man!)
What song will they play at your funeral?
I Feel Like Im Falling - Hillsongs
(OMGLOLROFL!!!! Well though i am falling into a grave........but im falling back into the arms of God!!! Tats even better!!!)
How does the world see you?
Pure Joy - Lakes Christian Life Center
(Yeah man! I think this really hits the spot! Gona bring joy to the world!)
Will you have a happy life?
Hear Our Prayer - Hillsongs
(God knows my prayers so im not too worried. Im sure i will have wat i want in life under Him! Hehe)
What does your friends really think of you?
Find My Way - POD
(In fact many have come to me for directions.....both life directions............and road directions. LOL!)
Do people secretly lust after you?
Big - Planetshakers
(Oh crap! People lust after me BIG time! Im dead meat i guess.........)
How can i make myself happy?
How I Love You - Planetshakers
(By loving God first and foremost. Just need to learn to love Him MORE. =D)
What should you do with your life?
Poor Man - Various Artist
(hmmm....this one no comment. Live my life like a poor man? Aka simple life i guess.)
Will you ever have children?
God - Rebecca St. James
(God knows the answer)
prefer not tagging, leaving original message:
well..i'm not gonna tag anyone,but if ure reading this n u have nothing better to do,feel free to be tagged. =)
*taken from Clarence Cheong's blog*
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title to answer the question even if it doesnt make sense. No CHEATING.
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the question.
How are you feeling today?
Let It Snow Let It Snow - Jaci Velasquez
(Yeah man!!!! I NEED SNOW!!!!)
Will you get far in life?
Emmanuel - Hillsongs
(God is with me so im sure i will get far and beyond in life!)
What is your best friend's theme song?
Asthma - POD
(Gosh......i hope he doesnt really have Asth )
What is the story of your life?
Blind - Unknown
(I was blind.......yes.......but now i see =D)
What was high school like?
Lord I Lift Your Name On High - Sonicflood
(Well i didnt really know the Lord back then.....but well.......)
How can you get ahead in life?
Place in The World - Michael W. Smith
(I'll get as far as wherever God places me in the world!)
What is the best thing about your friends?
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Michael W. Smith
(They are my help sometimes when i need it....hehe)
What is in store for this weekend?
Highest - Hillsongs
(Weekends are always my highest points coz thats when Praise Celebration is man!!! Wohooo!!!)
What song describes you?
Live For You - Altered Frequency
(Yup tats rite......I live for Jesus only!!!)
To describe your grandparents?
All Of My Days - Hillsongs
(Well they have been around most of my days.....LOL.....)
How is life going?
Here I Stand - Paradise Worship
(I always stand under Gods light and His grace......tats how life goes man!)
What song will they play at your funeral?
I Feel Like Im Falling - Hillsongs
(OMGLOLROFL!!!! Well though i am falling into a grave........but im falling back into the arms of God!!! Tats even better!!!)
How does the world see you?
Pure Joy - Lakes Christian Life Center
(Yeah man! I think this really hits the spot! Gona bring joy to the world!)
Will you have a happy life?
Hear Our Prayer - Hillsongs
(God knows my prayers so im not too worried. Im sure i will have wat i want in life under Him! Hehe)
What does your friends really think of you?
Find My Way - POD
(In fact many have come to me for directions.....both life directions............and road directions. LOL!)
Do people secretly lust after you?
Big - Planetshakers
(Oh crap! People lust after me BIG time! Im dead meat i guess.........)
How can i make myself happy?
How I Love You - Planetshakers
(By loving God first and foremost. Just need to learn to love Him MORE. =D)
What should you do with your life?
Poor Man - Various Artist
(hmmm....this one no comment. Live my life like a poor man? Aka simple life i guess.)
Will you ever have children?
God - Rebecca St. James
(God knows the answer)
prefer not tagging, leaving original message:
well..i'm not gonna tag anyone,but if ure reading this n u have nothing better to do,feel free to be tagged. =)
*taken from Clarence Cheong's blog*
12 October 2008
On hold....
Sorry for the late updates guys......kinda busy lately. But once i can get things going , it will be business as usual. =)
18 September 2008
IS 08 Final Day
So here are the final pics of Interstate 2008. Funny though, i appear alot in this day's photos. Dont know why, but appreciate the cameraman for aiming me! =) So do pardon if i hog the lime light alot. Hehehe.
Day 3 - Kuala Rompin to Kuantan, 158km
Day 3 - Kuala Rompin to Kuantan, 158km
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