27 December 2008

When i need you.......

You know in the game of love couples keep saying "I will be there for you when u need me" or "Love you forever" or anything that sounds so sweet. Well theres nothing wrong actually with saying such things to your loved ones.

But one must come to a realization that overdependent and high expectations on humans , moreover your spouse or partner or gf/bf is a dangerous thing to do.


You will be disappointed.


Coz we are all humans that cannot possibly fulfill every single need. As a human with the capability to make mistakes over and over again plus a sinful nature in all of us, sometimes we cant totally put all our emotion and heart into humans. Yes we can love them and care for one another, but loving as how God loves us is the way to go.

Girls, you want your boyfriend to be online and chat with you everyday? You will be disappointed. If he didnt online for 1 day or 1 week how will u feel? You think he doesnt love you anymore isnt it? Or you doubt him? What if he didnt answer ur calls or msgs? Frustration rite?

Guys want your girls to be always in the mood to attend to your needs? Bad choice coz once she isnt in a good mood for just one day, hell might just be breaking loose soon. Then there comes all the hoop la about breaking up.

We are made by God with feelings and emotion no doubt. But we were made by God for another higher reason. To first of all love God back first. And that takes some understanding. Why love God? Coz He is the only one who can meet your needs and care for you round the clock. Proof? You are sitting right here right now reading my blog sipping tea perhaps in your air cond room and listening to a nice song. You were not here coz your parents worked hard and provided u the opportunity. Look higher......someone already planned these for you. God says He is the provider. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Therefore all things come from Him without doubt.

If there was no plan for anything (meaning we go abt life by mere existance walking on the face of the earth thanks to an evolution) it will be chaotic.

There must be someone in control no? A plan of sorts to make life as it is suppose to be.

The thing is the path and the truth of living life the right way is already there. The problem is many dont walk or see this path and recognise it. Most of us wallow and wade in mud and dirt......our eyes see only dirt. And when we somehow cross onto the clean path we still see dirt coz our eyes havent been washed yet!

God did mention "Remove the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from others eyes".

Ultimately our attention by right should be fixed on God , whom in the bible says "...is the same yesterday today and forever.....". Same here meaning He still loves us the same. He still has a caring nature. When others sees you as a pile of shit He will just take you and clean you up. If you're blind to certain things He will just somehow guide you. Yet He is still fair and just and still the Judge to those who do not listen or oppose Him.

Sometimes God punishes to wake us up. Not to show He is evil. IF your parents cane you they want u to see something. But God also judges when there is too much sin. God can never tolerate sin. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the whole city was full of homosexuals and immorality. God does not approve homosexuality. Period. God made man and women specifically for each other in the very beginning. If not He wud have given men a vagina and women a penis. Why didnt He?

Coz He has already made us that way.

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