25 October 2008


I learned yet another timely message from Ps David today. Regarding a few things but mostly our authority.

As a Christian, a Christ follower, a person with the Good News, it is good indeed that not only me but all Christ believers especially to know their real authority that is given by Christ Jesus.

Lets start with a few simple questions : How many of you out there would be willing to let someone use your phone for a month? How many of you would let others use your company's business seal/stamp? How many of you would let someone use your own name?

Im guessing 99% will say NO. The 1% is for insurance.

So what authority is Christ referring here? It is using His very own name and His very own given power to help spread the Good Word and come against the devil in all circumstances.

If you still didnt know there is great power in the name of Jesus Christ, go read your bible more. Jesus Himself said that He has given all those who believe and do His works on earth, the right to use His name and His authority, to cast out demons, to be in spiritual warfare, in handling situations, in anything. The fact tat Jesus entrusts us so much to use His name for good works shows He is just that trusting in us. He did not only give it to JUST Pastors and the Pope alone , no. You can read four Gospels of Mark Matthew Luke and John and even the whole bible. He didnt just give it to the leaders. It is for anyone who follows Christ.

The Jesus that the pastor and I believe in is the same. There is no difference. Jesus is Jesus and there is only one Jesus. And God said so tat He loves all of us equally regardless of rank, wealth, skin color, race, social status. The story of Lazarus the beggar and the rich man serves as a good reminder. U can be rich n do good deeds but if u dont honour God u still end up no where. But if you are poor yet u still love God with all your heart and you acknowledge Jesus, God is pleased most of all.

So Jesus had the authority of God with Him, being the Son of God. He just cast out demons from possessed people not by chanting or by rituals. Simply He just said "Get out!". And the demon left. Why? THere is power and the presence of God. Demons and even Satan himself cannot tolerate God's Holy presence. And they have to bow to the power and authority of Jesus Christ because He is God whose command is the highest in the spiritual realm.

And we have that SAME authority as children of God. You hear something? WAKE UP.

Why is it so important to know this authority? IT is important so tat we can hit back at the devil. NOt becouse we wana cause war. But its because the devil will NOT give up tempting and ruining our lives as long as we are on earth.

To tell you the truth as it is in the Bible, God said :

"For we do not fight against human flesh and blood, but we fight principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places " - Ephisians 6:12

Basically wat it means is we are not suppose to accuse or fight againts humans. But we are fighting a spiritual battle between the devil and his demons ( principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places). Every bad thing on earth has a spiritual root behind it. It is real. Not a lie. And the one thing Satan loves to do is pull down people from high places. Ruin lives. And cause fear and destructions. His only sole missions are to steal kill and destroy.

Pastor Mike Gugliemucci of Planetshakers was a victim of that. He is not to be blamed at any level at all. This is a real example tat the devil hates Gods people that are progressing to preach the Good News. So much that the devil will do anything to stop it. But wat most people do is judge others first. This is the first step to cause seperation in the church and the body of Christ. And when that happens, the whole body of Christ is no longer unified. This is very important to note the devils tricks and misguidance.

As Christians we are at the spiritual frontier. The front line soldies battling to save this earth. And we are fighting a spritiual battle everyday. And in battle........there are bound to be casualties. So when theres a casualty, are we gona leave him to die out there? NO rite? As fellow soldiers we got to RESCUE him and HEAL him. RECOVERY is important in the Body of Christ. If you keep wounding a wounded soldier how will you expect him to recover for the next battle?

So people of God, please, when your church has problems, leaders fall, members fall, dont blame them. Keep them in prayer! Help them rise up! Praise God with them! They need it most. Use your authority to put an end! And you will see things change! We must know the plans of the enemy well before we go to war. If you go to war blindly that is foolish.

Once again , knowing Christ's authority gives you protection from spiritual attacks. The power of God is great.

"He is far above all rulers, authorities, powers, lords, and all other names that can be named, not only in this present world but also in the world to come." - Ephisians 1:21

So there is nothing to be affraid when we have Jesus Christ with us. Why was Jesus sleeping on the boat when His disciples were screaming for help in the stromy seas? He wants to teach them to not fear anything when God Himself is just sleeping beside. Jesus just woke up and rebuked the waves and the winds. And it became calm. That is the power of God.

In Psalm 91, God says we can trample over snakes and scorpions (representing the devil and his demons). When we step on these creatures we get a nasty lashback, but in the power of God, nothing will work against us. It all boils down to your faith. Dont let it be like Peter when he had half hearted faith while walking on water towards Jesus. When Peter's heart was on Jesus, he did not sink. But when he lost focus he sank. Same as it is with out faith. As we have faith on God , we will not sink.

Use your authority! Change your life situation! Why depend on others to pray for you when you can also pray using the same authority you and I have in Jesus? The problem with some is that they always seek others who are "spiritually matured and higher rank" to pray for them, simply because they feel they are not authorised or good enough. This is another lie of the devil. By making us think we are inferior, that is the devils open door to mislead us.

WAKE UP! RISE UP! TAKE AUTHORITY! Show the devil tat he is a loser in the end coz God has already won the battle of death. If the God we know has won over death, and even give us His authority, and given us the right to bless and sow, given us the ability to perform signs healings and miracles, what are we so affraid of? Death is conquered! Amen! Why some Christians hide in the closet is bcoz they dont see the real power in the name of Christ.

We need to be aware of this in order to advance and fight against Satan. God has placed us higher in rank above demons, devil and angels. We are just next in terms of rank to God. Isnt that wonderful? We are going to be seated at the right hand of God when we get to heaven.

So Followers of Christ, take up your authority and go with the Word of God. Spread the Word and do the works of God more and more. I myself am learning that. But I share this for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Nothing beats seeing God's wonderful plan come to pass.

"And remember that I am always with you until the end of time." - Matthew 28:20

Hope everyone has been blessed.

God Bless.Amen.

1 comment:


I love the man called jesus-a life of struggle and sacrifice for the betterment of mankind- this is the highest principle of life to live-struggle in any form- you want a strong body- train hard all the time- take one week off and you deteriorate- want a strong mind-read and learn everything as often as you can-want an enlightened soul- love god with all your heart and soul and struggle and sacrifice for the betterment of mankind-Life is a struggle- I wouldn't have it any other way- Free will

* my name is Solomon Sami Azar-born on the 13th January-1965. I have combined the century old ideas of Tesla and Einstein to produce safe nuclear fusion of heavy water in order to end the energy crisis- When the scientific community has found this and understands -the energy crisis will be over along with talks of greenhouse gases-I have been guided to this discovery by the heavens- by a force in this universe we are all connected to in spirit and pray to in the name of god- I have put together many signs and connections to form the big picture- I am a messenger of GOD---I have been sent by heaven to declare An Age of Unity has begun- world war 2 was Armageddon signified by two atomic bombs-An age of unity has begun