Well 2008 is ending in like 1 1/2 days........so thought be nice to say a few words.
2008 was a year with many experiences for me. Up down good bad and in between.
Reflecting back from January till now i can say that ive been through the best of times and the worst of times. Best has definitely been my walk with the Lord. This year i just had soooo much of His love and experienced some of my first miracle healings. Cool God i have =)
My involvement in the worship ministry in church has been awesome. And also its my first time working part time (whenever im free) with Major Seven Music, a small sound and music company that does audio visual and music setups for events. The employers (husband and wife + sons team) are very close to my church so its always good to see them and sometimes help them out at events. I get side money as well......legally!
Financial blessings was just abundant. I dont mean in thousands or millions. But when just i need the right amount....... somehow.......miraculosly , God delivers.
Then there was my usualy sporting activities. Ran some good races. Participated in duathlons. Powerman Manjung. Gone on a 3 day Interstate ride from Kajang - Kuatan. Cycled up Genting, twice! Did the hellish Broga Loop. Meet new cycling friends. Nearly died in the cold freezing rain.
Then i got Facebook. Finally. =P
For some, probably now you will only know, i had to be retained in 3rd year of College simply coz i didnt have good results. So im late 1 year actually. To you it may be a shocking thing. Well to me im not one happy clam as well. But i dont look to this as my failure (though it might partly be so). But whenever i face the downside, God is still God above all and in control. My failure is not something i will be affraid of coz God has always been by my side. And He carried through the rough seas. Calmed the storm. Removed the mountains in front of me. I believe with all my heart that God's plan is supremely higher. Nothing happens by chance but its because of God's plans. I depend on God more than any other person , even myself coz simply humans are prone to dissappoint one another. Im sure everyone will agree.
Then theres church camp for the first time in a decade. Simply wonderful experience.
Served in the Apostolic Program where i met our dear brothers from Africa and other countries. Simply can wait to see them again next year. =)
Christmas was a blast.
Nearly got to travel to Thailand but in the end didnt.
Ate lots and lots of free meals. Seriously. I dont remember being the one not paying for more than 10 times at least........ XD. Again Gods blessings. *peace*
Will miss Ps Kenneth n Ps Sharon now that they are based in Penang to start a new church. God be with them always.
Oh oh and i got to finally own a nice bike (though still not up to the current standard). My red Look carbon bike.
Went to a wedding. Attended a few functions. Hmm.......got to see some of my long time no see relatives from Australia and UK.
My bro got 7A's in PMR which i am proud of.
Then all year round basically just been my crazy old self with humour and stupidity along the way.
So for next year this is what i plan/hope/wish/pray for :-
1 - Expand myself to do more things for God
2 - Serve with more passion in the worship team
3 - Get either bass or electric guitar (i still cant decide XD)
4 - Be a hardworking student
5 - Be a hard playing sportsman
6 - Do a full marathon
7 - Do a triathlon
8 - May our nation be strong in all situations
9 - Get hitched (Joking)
10 - Have more wisdom and spiritual growth
11 - See more souls saved and experince Gods love
12 - See revival
13 - See more miracles signs n wonders
14 - Just let God be God in my life
15 - Be prepared for just abt anything ^^
Thats my last post of 2008. Thank you all
God Bless.
30 December 2008
27 December 2008
When i need you.......
You know in the game of love couples keep saying "I will be there for you when u need me" or "Love you forever" or anything that sounds so sweet. Well theres nothing wrong actually with saying such things to your loved ones.
But one must come to a realization that overdependent and high expectations on humans , moreover your spouse or partner or gf/bf is a dangerous thing to do.
You will be disappointed.
Coz we are all humans that cannot possibly fulfill every single need. As a human with the capability to make mistakes over and over again plus a sinful nature in all of us, sometimes we cant totally put all our emotion and heart into humans. Yes we can love them and care for one another, but loving as how God loves us is the way to go.
Girls, you want your boyfriend to be online and chat with you everyday? You will be disappointed. If he didnt online for 1 day or 1 week how will u feel? You think he doesnt love you anymore isnt it? Or you doubt him? What if he didnt answer ur calls or msgs? Frustration rite?
Guys want your girls to be always in the mood to attend to your needs? Bad choice coz once she isnt in a good mood for just one day, hell might just be breaking loose soon. Then there comes all the hoop la about breaking up.
We are made by God with feelings and emotion no doubt. But we were made by God for another higher reason. To first of all love God back first. And that takes some understanding. Why love God? Coz He is the only one who can meet your needs and care for you round the clock. Proof? You are sitting right here right now reading my blog sipping tea perhaps in your air cond room and listening to a nice song. You were not here coz your parents worked hard and provided u the opportunity. Look higher......someone already planned these for you. God says He is the provider. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Therefore all things come from Him without doubt.
If there was no plan for anything (meaning we go abt life by mere existance walking on the face of the earth thanks to an evolution) it will be chaotic.
There must be someone in control no? A plan of sorts to make life as it is suppose to be.
The thing is the path and the truth of living life the right way is already there. The problem is many dont walk or see this path and recognise it. Most of us wallow and wade in mud and dirt......our eyes see only dirt. And when we somehow cross onto the clean path we still see dirt coz our eyes havent been washed yet!
God did mention "Remove the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from others eyes".
Ultimately our attention by right should be fixed on God , whom in the bible says "...is the same yesterday today and forever.....". Same here meaning He still loves us the same. He still has a caring nature. When others sees you as a pile of shit He will just take you and clean you up. If you're blind to certain things He will just somehow guide you. Yet He is still fair and just and still the Judge to those who do not listen or oppose Him.
Sometimes God punishes to wake us up. Not to show He is evil. IF your parents cane you they want u to see something. But God also judges when there is too much sin. God can never tolerate sin. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the whole city was full of homosexuals and immorality. God does not approve homosexuality. Period. God made man and women specifically for each other in the very beginning. If not He wud have given men a vagina and women a penis. Why didnt He?
Coz He has already made us that way.
But one must come to a realization that overdependent and high expectations on humans , moreover your spouse or partner or gf/bf is a dangerous thing to do.
You will be disappointed.
Coz we are all humans that cannot possibly fulfill every single need. As a human with the capability to make mistakes over and over again plus a sinful nature in all of us, sometimes we cant totally put all our emotion and heart into humans. Yes we can love them and care for one another, but loving as how God loves us is the way to go.
Girls, you want your boyfriend to be online and chat with you everyday? You will be disappointed. If he didnt online for 1 day or 1 week how will u feel? You think he doesnt love you anymore isnt it? Or you doubt him? What if he didnt answer ur calls or msgs? Frustration rite?
Guys want your girls to be always in the mood to attend to your needs? Bad choice coz once she isnt in a good mood for just one day, hell might just be breaking loose soon. Then there comes all the hoop la about breaking up.
We are made by God with feelings and emotion no doubt. But we were made by God for another higher reason. To first of all love God back first. And that takes some understanding. Why love God? Coz He is the only one who can meet your needs and care for you round the clock. Proof? You are sitting right here right now reading my blog sipping tea perhaps in your air cond room and listening to a nice song. You were not here coz your parents worked hard and provided u the opportunity. Look higher......someone already planned these for you. God says He is the provider. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Therefore all things come from Him without doubt.
If there was no plan for anything (meaning we go abt life by mere existance walking on the face of the earth thanks to an evolution) it will be chaotic.
There must be someone in control no? A plan of sorts to make life as it is suppose to be.
The thing is the path and the truth of living life the right way is already there. The problem is many dont walk or see this path and recognise it. Most of us wallow and wade in mud and dirt......our eyes see only dirt. And when we somehow cross onto the clean path we still see dirt coz our eyes havent been washed yet!
God did mention "Remove the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from others eyes".
Ultimately our attention by right should be fixed on God , whom in the bible says "...is the same yesterday today and forever.....". Same here meaning He still loves us the same. He still has a caring nature. When others sees you as a pile of shit He will just take you and clean you up. If you're blind to certain things He will just somehow guide you. Yet He is still fair and just and still the Judge to those who do not listen or oppose Him.
Sometimes God punishes to wake us up. Not to show He is evil. IF your parents cane you they want u to see something. But God also judges when there is too much sin. God can never tolerate sin. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the whole city was full of homosexuals and immorality. God does not approve homosexuality. Period. God made man and women specifically for each other in the very beginning. If not He wud have given men a vagina and women a penis. Why didnt He?
Coz He has already made us that way.
24 December 2008
Ever heard of the White Mans religion or the Religion of the western countries?
Yeah.....im pointing towards Christianity.
For the majority of those who yet to know Jesus Christ, they wud say he was a westerner since Christianity dominates mostly the western world. Wana hear something shocking? Or i think the word revealing is more appropriate =).
Jesus was born in Bethleham, Jerusalem. Now geographically speaking Jerusalem is in the west but its under Asia. Yes it is in the Asian continent! So Jesus was born a Jew and he is indeed Asian! Revelation to some of u yah? And Jesus wasnt white nor did he travel to the western countries. So Christ was born Asian.
Another fact that was sadly twisted - Chrisitianity came after Jesus came and left earth. So to say before Jesus there was no Christianity? If one had read the Bible this wud be all cleared up in 1 second.
Because in Genesis 1:1 it says : "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth." Period. What more do u want to argue? In the very beginning already God was at work.......not only when Jesus came to earth and God showed the signs wonders and miracles.
In the Gospel of John 1:1 - 4 it states with no doubt : -
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
All of the above points to one man........ Jesus Christ.
Looking through Noah's and Moses's shows already a deep relationship between them and God literally. Abraham was one of God's favourite friends. He was a friend of God.
Christian if carefully studied is translated from Greek as "follower of Christ". But here is one thing. That God the Father Son and Spirit are the same. So the Follower of Christ is the same as Followers of God. Coz in the bible it mentions specifically "In the Name of the Father Son and Spirit". Now lets do English for a while. There are 3 names.....THREE NAMES. Yet it is phrased as "in the NAME of 3 people". Meaning that these 3 entities are as ONE. One being the same. Same God same Spirit. Its not a mistaken by the writers of the scriptures. It is as it is written and revealed by God.
So people have followed God since time began! Adam and Eve not to forget.
Well i hope some of u have been educated.
Stay blessed folks
Yeah.....im pointing towards Christianity.
For the majority of those who yet to know Jesus Christ, they wud say he was a westerner since Christianity dominates mostly the western world. Wana hear something shocking? Or i think the word revealing is more appropriate =).
Jesus was born in Bethleham, Jerusalem. Now geographically speaking Jerusalem is in the west but its under Asia. Yes it is in the Asian continent! So Jesus was born a Jew and he is indeed Asian! Revelation to some of u yah? And Jesus wasnt white nor did he travel to the western countries. So Christ was born Asian.
Another fact that was sadly twisted - Chrisitianity came after Jesus came and left earth. So to say before Jesus there was no Christianity? If one had read the Bible this wud be all cleared up in 1 second.
Because in Genesis 1:1 it says : "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth." Period. What more do u want to argue? In the very beginning already God was at work.......not only when Jesus came to earth and God showed the signs wonders and miracles.
In the Gospel of John 1:1 - 4 it states with no doubt : -
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
All of the above points to one man........ Jesus Christ.
Looking through Noah's and Moses's shows already a deep relationship between them and God literally. Abraham was one of God's favourite friends. He was a friend of God.
Christian if carefully studied is translated from Greek as "follower of Christ". But here is one thing. That God the Father Son and Spirit are the same. So the Follower of Christ is the same as Followers of God. Coz in the bible it mentions specifically "In the Name of the Father Son and Spirit". Now lets do English for a while. There are 3 names.....THREE NAMES. Yet it is phrased as "in the NAME of 3 people". Meaning that these 3 entities are as ONE. One being the same. Same God same Spirit. Its not a mistaken by the writers of the scriptures. It is as it is written and revealed by God.
So people have followed God since time began! Adam and Eve not to forget.
Well i hope some of u have been educated.
Stay blessed folks
21 December 2008
Merry Christmas!

Hello folks.
Before i get extremely busy with the festive season just wana take this opportunity to wish all my family , relatives , friends, WHC members, fellow bros n sis in Christ and the human race a very warm merry blessed Christmas 2008.
This is a season and time not to receive but to give. Its not about the presents we receive but the love we give to others. One Present was already given to us, give to us as we receive so that we can give that same present out to the world.
May God bless you all. May He uphold and strengthen each and everyone one of us for the coming times. Amen
Happy Merry Xmas 08
19 December 2008
I am Me
Many probably wud be waiting for this one. Many probably wont wana give an da*n wat i write today.
Today i come out of my shell for a while to soak some reality and let of some excess baggage.

Hmm.......emotions are a delicate thing to handle. Sometimes i wonder if i am really tat good at handling my own. OK i know God does know better.
I've been tru a bit of ups n downs these few months. Just that it looks all peachy on the outside. Still finding the real me i suppose. Many dont know me. Sometimes i dont even know who i am.
No ones ever seen me cry except my parents and relatives.

Today was Recycling day at TARC for the final year AMS and APR students. Mr Lee , Head of SSSH said some really good words. Good and great words will war with the bad words in me. Probably why im nutty at times.
Im still here. Anyway.......
A question to the world : Can i ever be what you want me to be? I think i can be wat God wants me to be only.
Sometimes i wana touch things i dont feel, hold on and feel i belong.
My friends are sometimes my greatest treasures. My family is already my anchor. God is the Redeemer.
She added me in MSN today. Weird. Surprised. Interesting. Hmmm. Why? Im still here.

Exams again soon. Im starting to get tired. Sigh. Assignments (thank God) left one and only one left. God help me. I dont deserve anything from Him, but He said because Christ died i can ask anything in Christs name with the right heart. Yippee.
Lost and found a few items lately. Am i getting old? I still have to run in life ya know? Legs! Wake up! For heavens sake........

Everytime i look up in the night sky i see into the future and the past. I love the stars. My interest in astronomy is still on. Just a lil damp. Miss you star clusters and galaxy clusters. Black Holes, quasars.
See that pic above? Each dot is a galaxy. Go count yourselves. I love it. Actually its just an artists rendering. But its no where compared to Gods rendering. How can you not love something so beautiful? I love anything and anyone who is beautiful.
I miss NS and my childhood days. School was fun too. Who doesnt rite? Those who dont im sad for you.
I wait for many things. I expect many things. I hope for many things. I pray for many things.
Its great isnt it when Somebody already paid for all your sins? Im grateful for that coz i can see how sinful i can be at times. Guilt? No. God dealt with that.
When will she come? Im waiting. Lol.........double lol......
I admit i am patient for many things but i can get upset if the wrong thing crops up. Humans. Gods fantastic creation. He said man and woman shall be together and help one another and that they shall be one flesh. I believe He didnt make man and man or woman and woman come into the picture. Yet im not judging. Just praying again.
Rainning durians would be nice. Can test my skulls durability level.
Dreams are running in my mind always. Ideas running. Some really cant be understood by anyone. Ive got at least 2 now in my head........what are they? I dont know.......its dreams thats all i know. Touching them would be nice.
Music is in me. It touches me. Does anyone know me?
I wish the weather was more predictable. Life. Unpredictable. Change it? When im not here?
Probably you can help me be a man. That be nice. Stubborn and forgetfulness is partly hereditary from my parents i suppose.
Moments my life went through is just so mixed up and yet it seems so straight forward. If it was that straight forward i think i will be 80 by now. The river takes so long to reach the sea coz its path is winding.
What did i just do?
I wana be
I am me
Today i come out of my shell for a while to soak some reality and let of some excess baggage.

Hmm.......emotions are a delicate thing to handle. Sometimes i wonder if i am really tat good at handling my own. OK i know God does know better.
I've been tru a bit of ups n downs these few months. Just that it looks all peachy on the outside. Still finding the real me i suppose. Many dont know me. Sometimes i dont even know who i am.
No ones ever seen me cry except my parents and relatives.

Today was Recycling day at TARC for the final year AMS and APR students. Mr Lee , Head of SSSH said some really good words. Good and great words will war with the bad words in me. Probably why im nutty at times.
Im still here. Anyway.......
A question to the world : Can i ever be what you want me to be? I think i can be wat God wants me to be only.
Sometimes i wana touch things i dont feel, hold on and feel i belong.
My friends are sometimes my greatest treasures. My family is already my anchor. God is the Redeemer.
She added me in MSN today. Weird. Surprised. Interesting. Hmmm. Why? Im still here.

Exams again soon. Im starting to get tired. Sigh. Assignments (thank God) left one and only one left. God help me. I dont deserve anything from Him, but He said because Christ died i can ask anything in Christs name with the right heart. Yippee.
Lost and found a few items lately. Am i getting old? I still have to run in life ya know? Legs! Wake up! For heavens sake........

Everytime i look up in the night sky i see into the future and the past. I love the stars. My interest in astronomy is still on. Just a lil damp. Miss you star clusters and galaxy clusters. Black Holes, quasars.

I miss NS and my childhood days. School was fun too. Who doesnt rite? Those who dont im sad for you.
I wait for many things. I expect many things. I hope for many things. I pray for many things.

When will she come? Im waiting. Lol.........double lol......
I admit i am patient for many things but i can get upset if the wrong thing crops up. Humans. Gods fantastic creation. He said man and woman shall be together and help one another and that they shall be one flesh. I believe He didnt make man and man or woman and woman come into the picture. Yet im not judging. Just praying again.
Rainning durians would be nice. Can test my skulls durability level.

Music is in me. It touches me. Does anyone know me?
I wish the weather was more predictable. Life. Unpredictable. Change it? When im not here?
Probably you can help me be a man. That be nice. Stubborn and forgetfulness is partly hereditary from my parents i suppose.
Moments my life went through is just so mixed up and yet it seems so straight forward. If it was that straight forward i think i will be 80 by now. The river takes so long to reach the sea coz its path is winding.
What did i just do?
I wana be
I am me
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