Yes folks its back! And sooner than expected. The PCC Interstate 2009 Ride is back this year. Starting from May 1 - 3. Compare to last years route where we headed east to Kuantan, this year we go south.
The routes are Seremban - Gemas - Gunung Ledang - Melaka.
Seems like a more scenic route than last years hellish empty plains. Heard there will be climbs too.
Cant wait to get registered. Do hope all plans go smoothly. =)
3 days of riding for fun and pain.
Long live Interstate!
31 January 2009
25 January 2009
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Wishing all bloggers, friends, foes a very happy holidays and Happy Chinese New Year 2009!
~Ox Rocx~
~Ox Rocx~
18 January 2009
He is LORD
"For I am the LORD, that is My name, My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols and carved images." ~ Isaiah 42:8
"I, even I, am the LORD and besides Me there is no other saviour. I have declared and saved, I have proclaimed and there was no foreign god among you ; therefore you are My witnesses. Says the LORD , I am God. Indeed before the day was, I am He. And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand ; I work and who will reverse it?" ~ Isaiah 43:11-13
"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My one sake; And will not remember your sins." ~ Isaiah 43:25
"I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God. Who can proclaim as I do?" ~ Isaiah 44:6b - 7a
"I, even I, am the LORD and besides Me there is no other saviour. I have declared and saved, I have proclaimed and there was no foreign god among you ; therefore you are My witnesses. Says the LORD , I am God. Indeed before the day was, I am He. And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand ; I work and who will reverse it?" ~ Isaiah 43:11-13
"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My one sake; And will not remember your sins." ~ Isaiah 43:25
"I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God. Who can proclaim as I do?" ~ Isaiah 44:6b - 7a
09 January 2009
Sometimes people seem to always fall and fail in life. When they try to keep holding on to their money. Their family. Spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, property, share markets, investments, policies, education, doctors, equipment, technology, vehicles, pets, food etc etc.
Like all things on this earth, nothing is ever 100% reliable. Even ourself. A good example is telling urself to wake up at 10am and waking up 5 minutes later. Or telling ourself not to overspend or not to think of negative things. But somehow we do it in the end. That is how unreliable we are.
We hold on to the wrong things sometimes. But you know what I will do?
I'll just hang on to God. Simply because, He is stronger. =)
Like all things on this earth, nothing is ever 100% reliable. Even ourself. A good example is telling urself to wake up at 10am and waking up 5 minutes later. Or telling ourself not to overspend or not to think of negative things. But somehow we do it in the end. That is how unreliable we are.
We hold on to the wrong things sometimes. But you know what I will do?
I'll just hang on to God. Simply because, He is stronger. =)
Hang On To You - by Delirious?
And I'll hang on to you
'Cos you're stronger and you keep me from falling
And you brighten the world with your beauty
Keep me closer I'm calling
Looking out like a little child
Holding tight when it all gets wild
And I'll hang on to you
Nothing in this world will see me through
Only you
And I'll hang on to you
Everyday I live, I give to You
And your love it is true
I feel stronger and I'm happy to know you
'Cos you shine like the sun and you're brighter
Than the darkness that's falling
Nothing in this world could ever take your place
Happiness is found in your holy face
In your warm embrace
And I'll hang on to you
'Cos you're stronger and you keep me from falling
And you brighten the world with your beauty
Keep me closer I'm calling
Looking out like a little child
Holding tight when it all gets wild
And I'll hang on to you
Nothing in this world will see me through
Only you
And I'll hang on to you
Everyday I live, I give to You
And your love it is true
I feel stronger and I'm happy to know you
'Cos you shine like the sun and you're brighter
Than the darkness that's falling
Nothing in this world could ever take your place
Happiness is found in your holy face
In your warm embrace
08 January 2009
In My Spirit in My Heart
You know........God is just so awesome. Its beyond comparison to anyone or any other thing. My Father in Heaven is just so loving. Sometimes i just dont know what to describe with my human mouth and my limited vocab. Heaven is limitless
My heart cries Holy
You know because God is my God, i just wana dance? Why?
Coz He loves me just the way i am. Its true. Im blown away by this. Im free because of Him. Just think about this. God is ever patiently accepting me. No matter what I am. Whether im a pile of crap. He is still so commited to make me the way He wants me to be.........which is to be like Him! He just never gives up. Never. Thats called steadfast love.
When im not good enough or when i dont clean up my act others scorn and hate me. Yet His grace is just so abundant for me that i am counted right with Him. I didnt do anything at all. Jesus did all the work for me. =) Thats all that matters. I dont mind people hate me coz they cant save me. Jesus has already saved me.
I stand before something so real. So true and so personal. Science cant explain God coz God created science.
In the Bible where all of the letters of the apostels are booked into one neat cool Instruction authored by God, it does speak of a lot of things abt Gods character. And also His revelations and promises for not just me........but you also and the 6.4billion inhabitants. Whether they believe Him or not..........
"God says, in this last days on earth, I shall pour out My Spirit on the people ; your sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, old men shall dream dreams. " - Acts 2:17
God will pour his Spirit on us.......those who have confessed Him by His Name.
You know what God wants? From us? Heres what He wants,

Thats all He wants from my friend.
You know.......why worry so much about the world and what is to come tomoro? For we worry like a fool at times. Yet look at this , "Look at the birds in the air. They do not plant nor harvest the crops. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them. Are YOU not more worthy and valuable than the birds? Will u live longer worrying? So why worry what you shall eat or wear. Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness and the rest will be given. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Todays trouble is already enough" - Matthew 6:26-34.

My dear friends.......have you ever wondered why its always so important to come before God in humility and fear? Coz when you are on your knees before God....... you cannot stumble nor fall. Thats how God exalts the humble but turns away those who stand tall and proud of their own, for a single touch of God's finger will throw them into a deep pit.

God saw that we needed to be saved. And He said we WILL be saved no matter what the cost. And the cost was God Himself. And this is what God paid for
1 Cross
My heart cries Holy
You know because God is my God, i just wana dance? Why?
Coz He loves me just the way i am. Its true. Im blown away by this. Im free because of Him. Just think about this. God is ever patiently accepting me. No matter what I am. Whether im a pile of crap. He is still so commited to make me the way He wants me to be.........which is to be like Him! He just never gives up. Never. Thats called steadfast love.
When im not good enough or when i dont clean up my act others scorn and hate me. Yet His grace is just so abundant for me that i am counted right with Him. I didnt do anything at all. Jesus did all the work for me. =) Thats all that matters. I dont mind people hate me coz they cant save me. Jesus has already saved me.
I stand before something so real. So true and so personal. Science cant explain God coz God created science.
In the Bible where all of the letters of the apostels are booked into one neat cool Instruction authored by God, it does speak of a lot of things abt Gods character. And also His revelations and promises for not just me........but you also and the 6.4billion inhabitants. Whether they believe Him or not..........
"God says, in this last days on earth, I shall pour out My Spirit on the people ; your sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, old men shall dream dreams. " - Acts 2:17
God will pour his Spirit on us.......those who have confessed Him by His Name.
You know what God wants? From us? Heres what He wants,

Thats all He wants from my friend.
You know.......why worry so much about the world and what is to come tomoro? For we worry like a fool at times. Yet look at this , "Look at the birds in the air. They do not plant nor harvest the crops. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them. Are YOU not more worthy and valuable than the birds? Will u live longer worrying? So why worry what you shall eat or wear. Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness and the rest will be given. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Todays trouble is already enough" - Matthew 6:26-34.

My dear friends.......have you ever wondered why its always so important to come before God in humility and fear? Coz when you are on your knees before God....... you cannot stumble nor fall. Thats how God exalts the humble but turns away those who stand tall and proud of their own, for a single touch of God's finger will throw them into a deep pit.

God saw that we needed to be saved. And He said we WILL be saved no matter what the cost. And the cost was God Himself. And this is what God paid for

And He paid the final price with His blood and His spirit for our freedom. Salvation is free for us but at the expense of God's own Son.
You know when you find for things in life and u just cant seem to get satisfied of it, its coz ur missing the bigger part of the puzzle. I once told a friend, you dont find the source of the river by going downstream. You gotta head upstream. Same with life........if you follow life downstream you will get lost. If you headed upstream, you find the source of life which is God in the end.
The beauty behind all this is that Jesus Christ came to earth, not to save Christians, but to save the sinners and the wicked and the rest of the world population. He didnt come to make Christianity a world wide religion. He came to give love as the solution to life's problems and touch lives. He didnt come to talk nonsense. He came to give us a chance to talk to God again.

Jesus did give this little piece of advice which is your choice to follow or not whether now or later : -
"I will say to you, whoever confesses My name before men, then I shall confess his name before the angels of God as well" - Luke 12:8
"One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, whether those in heaven, on earth or underneath it, that Jesus Christ is Lord and God will be glorified." - Philippians 2: 10-11
Faith is a very awesome word. Why? Faith as God says : "Faith is being sure what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1
You know another thing is.........people keep dying for the world. They say dying for my loved ones and my family is an honor. It will bring honor and good name to the family. Dying for love. Die for money. Die for freedom. But let me share this with you. .....I live for God coz He already died for you and me. The Cross was there to give us the chance to live again. I live for Christ. And to live is Christ. To live for God is the biggest honor in the universe. Why die for something so small when you can live for Someone so Big? =)
A beautiful promise of God reads :-
"I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods the dry ground ; I will pour my Spirit on your descendants, and My blessings on your offspring" - Isaiah 44:3
All these are for you my friends. Im sharing a wonderful gift with you.
If i didnt share with you this gift i will live with regret when i enter heaven.
God Bless
You know when you find for things in life and u just cant seem to get satisfied of it, its coz ur missing the bigger part of the puzzle. I once told a friend, you dont find the source of the river by going downstream. You gotta head upstream. Same with life........if you follow life downstream you will get lost. If you headed upstream, you find the source of life which is God in the end.
The beauty behind all this is that Jesus Christ came to earth, not to save Christians, but to save the sinners and the wicked and the rest of the world population. He didnt come to make Christianity a world wide religion. He came to give love as the solution to life's problems and touch lives. He didnt come to talk nonsense. He came to give us a chance to talk to God again.
Jesus did give this little piece of advice which is your choice to follow or not whether now or later : -
"I will say to you, whoever confesses My name before men, then I shall confess his name before the angels of God as well" - Luke 12:8
"One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, whether those in heaven, on earth or underneath it, that Jesus Christ is Lord and God will be glorified." - Philippians 2: 10-11
Faith is a very awesome word. Why? Faith as God says : "Faith is being sure what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1
You know another thing is.........people keep dying for the world. They say dying for my loved ones and my family is an honor. It will bring honor and good name to the family. Dying for love. Die for money. Die for freedom. But let me share this with you. .....I live for God coz He already died for you and me. The Cross was there to give us the chance to live again. I live for Christ. And to live is Christ. To live for God is the biggest honor in the universe. Why die for something so small when you can live for Someone so Big? =)
A beautiful promise of God reads :-
"I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods the dry ground ; I will pour my Spirit on your descendants, and My blessings on your offspring" - Isaiah 44:3
All these are for you my friends. Im sharing a wonderful gift with you.
If i didnt share with you this gift i will live with regret when i enter heaven.
God Bless
05 January 2009
Chili's and Chilies (4.1.2009)
This day in history is one of those days which can make you laugh love and live at the same time.
Faith turns a year older and we wanted to celebrate with her. Zhang Song, Dawson, Vighnath, Nicole (Faith's younger sister) , Me and of course Birthday Girl herself went to Chili's Grill and Bar in KLCC after church. Its been a long time we havent gone out together as a group, what more close frends.
Vigh said the burgers there are to die for. Can he be that serious about burgers? Ive yet to meet a burger i can die for OR die of. McD's are already not on the list of A grade burgers. So lets see what Chili's have to offer.
Standing outside the restaurant waiting to be seated.....we all peeked at the menu. And by golly, what a menu......
Big Mouht burgers with 7oz thats freaky. But then again i've been seeing too much"Not as advertised" burgers. Ramly's n McD's are perfect examples. So is KFC.
Fajita's, bottomless chips, magaritas, spirits, steaks, country meals.........this was really mouth watering. The price was even more eye catching.
We go to sit down after 10 minutes wait (not bad) and the service was just excellent. 5/5.

Dawson and me couldnt stop taking photos of the whole place. The table, the bar, the menus. Haha. I had one of the best and i should say fastest menu browsing experience. The menu's description of the food is just top class.
The magaritas just looked so tempting, but at RM20++ per glass.....well i'll try it next time. The Southern Sling was my choice. Its a blend of bananas, strawberries, pineapple with vanila ice cream. Simply awesome. Topped with a nice orange slice.
And then.......came the star of the day. The Big One. The Champion. The Incredible. The Big Mought Burgers! We all ordered different types......but all have one thing in common.........SIZE DOES MATTER!
This is no illusion or trick. This is the real deal. A burger 4 1/2 inches wide and almost 4 inches tall! Im not exaggerating here. And the fries were just jumbo! They were as big as my finger! One word i can say.......... fulamak......
And then came the Buffalo wings....
We were in for a real treat......and the first thing we pondered........How do u take a bite of a nearly 4 inch tall burger? Explains the fork and knife now! But being true Malaysians.......we want to go out in style.......getting our hands and mouth and the whole table in a mess. Hahahaha.
So what else we dug in. Laughing and having a good time.
The one thing we all also noticed.........we all got one hell of a jaw exercise! I mean frankly speaking.....if you dont have a jaw of a python or the jaws of a cow (which can chew food for long periods)...... you will need a jaw surgery after this meal. Our jaws were getting sore and stiff. I think i almost dislocated mine as well......
Oil was leaking out the backside of all our burgers. Dawson nearly fainted eating his last bite. I had a good fight with my BBQ Ranch burger. Vigh was rather quiet. Zhang Song enjoyed every moment. Faith took her own sweet time. And her buns got soaked in oil and sauce! And Nicole was busy getting around the whole thing. Vigh apparently chose the wrong drink. You wont wana be stuffed with a half kilo burger and then down pure tomato juice. LOL!
Poor old Dawson needed help with the fries. Captain Darren (CD) to the rescue then.

Faith broke the record by still having a piece of burger hanging from her fingers after 1.5 hours

And after almost 2 struggling hours of eating (we came in at 3pm, food arrived at 3.20 and we ate till 5pm) we were done.

Sadly though Faith could not finish her burger. She met her match. But.......i guess im still unmatched on the table.......
I took the last bite........
Faith turns a year older and we wanted to celebrate with her. Zhang Song, Dawson, Vighnath, Nicole (Faith's younger sister) , Me and of course Birthday Girl herself went to Chili's Grill and Bar in KLCC after church. Its been a long time we havent gone out together as a group, what more close frends.
Vigh said the burgers there are to die for. Can he be that serious about burgers? Ive yet to meet a burger i can die for OR die of. McD's are already not on the list of A grade burgers. So lets see what Chili's have to offer.
Standing outside the restaurant waiting to be seated.....we all peeked at the menu. And by golly, what a menu......
Big Mouht burgers with 7oz thats freaky. But then again i've been seeing too much"Not as advertised" burgers. Ramly's n McD's are perfect examples. So is KFC.
Fajita's, bottomless chips, magaritas, spirits, steaks, country meals.........this was really mouth watering. The price was even more eye catching.
We go to sit down after 10 minutes wait (not bad) and the service was just excellent. 5/5.

Dawson and me couldnt stop taking photos of the whole place. The table, the bar, the menus. Haha. I had one of the best and i should say fastest menu browsing experience. The menu's description of the food is just top class.

And then.......came the star of the day. The Big One. The Champion. The Incredible. The Big Mought Burgers! We all ordered different types......but all have one thing in common.........SIZE DOES MATTER!

And then came the Buffalo wings....

We were in for a real treat......and the first thing we pondered........How do u take a bite of a nearly 4 inch tall burger? Explains the fork and knife now! But being true Malaysians.......we want to go out in style.......getting our hands and mouth and the whole table in a mess. Hahahaha.
So what else we dug in. Laughing and having a good time.
The one thing we all also noticed.........we all got one hell of a jaw exercise! I mean frankly speaking.....if you dont have a jaw of a python or the jaws of a cow (which can chew food for long periods)...... you will need a jaw surgery after this meal. Our jaws were getting sore and stiff. I think i almost dislocated mine as well......
Oil was leaking out the backside of all our burgers. Dawson nearly fainted eating his last bite. I had a good fight with my BBQ Ranch burger. Vigh was rather quiet. Zhang Song enjoyed every moment. Faith took her own sweet time. And her buns got soaked in oil and sauce! And Nicole was busy getting around the whole thing. Vigh apparently chose the wrong drink. You wont wana be stuffed with a half kilo burger and then down pure tomato juice. LOL!
Poor old Dawson needed help with the fries. Captain Darren (CD) to the rescue then.

Faith broke the record by still having a piece of burger hanging from her fingers after 1.5 hours

And after almost 2 struggling hours of eating (we came in at 3pm, food arrived at 3.20 and we ate till 5pm) we were done.

Sadly though Faith could not finish her burger. She met her match. But.......i guess im still unmatched on the table.......

Man! Lunch has never been so awesome as this! And we are now contemplating a 10 round Tosada Chip refill! Sounds achievable yes? Well if 10 of us went it will be!
Well after this wonderful time of fellowship and lunch i had to say goodbye to the guys. They want ed to walk about to digest the food. Meanwhile i had to run over (not literally run but take LRT) to Time Square coz me dad was waiting there for me since like 2pm! Gosh.......sorry dad to make you wait. I dont really feel nice making people wait for me. But i dont mind waiting for people though. XD
Anyway found my dad sipping a drink in Time Square having just finished browsing at Borders. We were to get him a mouse and a pendrive. Since he wasnt so familiar with Low Yat so i had to take him around. Got the stuff we needed.........but.............before we left.......
Dad wanted to LOOK at some digicams. Since our film cam was abt to KO. I was fine with LOOKING. So we went to FOTOKEM and looked around. Then he sat down and asked this lovely salesgirl.......can i have a look at the cheapest camera? She shows an Olympus FE-320 and FE-340. Both were abt RM550.
Dad you got to be serious?! We were not suppose to get this and he really looked bent on purchasing it. After some explanation abt the features by our salesgirl....... dad looked at me , "You think this is OK?" I was really stumped and i just said "Its up to you....". I really really didnt expect this. Well yes buying a camera is something nice. But buying it unexpectedly was the thing that caught me off guard. just gave the nod and handed over the credit card.
JUST LIKE THAT. We got a camera. Olympus FE-340. Out of the blue. Gosh, i wish i could do that.
Ours was silver.....not this red color.......
Well God has blessed dad financially even he's in retirement. So well.....dads been working hard all these 30 years. I guess he deserves something which he hasnt owned yet. Oh yeah......and then came the big surprise. He REALLY placed an order for a new Myvi...... Im just out of words today........
So after we did our "shopping".......we went over to Time Square Starbucks coz dad asked me to test the wifi on the lappie and also do some stuff. Got there sipping nice orange juice with the lappie n my dad. After sorting out a simple IP fix and wala......we were surfing wifi in Starbucks. My first time actually surfing in Starbucks. Now i feel like the rest of the class. LOL. At least.
Taught dad how to save and download pics from the net and put on desktop background. Did some admin work. Then had those usual father and son talks. =)
By 9.30 we left and to be frank........the burger was still in me. One heck of a burger. Then we went to Jalan Alor's famous beef noodles. And the chili here was reputed as the best in Malaysia. I got a small bowl of noodles. Then i tried the chili.............
If u dont have a fire hydrant next to you i suggest u get a firetruck at least. This chili was a power punch of a chili. It has this super max taste of lime ginger red chilies garlic onions and God knows what other ingredients. Its like a californian wild fire in my mouth. And my nose became Niagara falls. But it was darn good stuff no doubt. Phew.
And after this whole day of tired jaws and burnt sent me home.
Chili's and Chilies Day.
Well after this wonderful time of fellowship and lunch i had to say goodbye to the guys. They want ed to walk about to digest the food. Meanwhile i had to run over (not literally run but take LRT) to Time Square coz me dad was waiting there for me since like 2pm! Gosh.......sorry dad to make you wait. I dont really feel nice making people wait for me. But i dont mind waiting for people though. XD
Anyway found my dad sipping a drink in Time Square having just finished browsing at Borders. We were to get him a mouse and a pendrive. Since he wasnt so familiar with Low Yat so i had to take him around. Got the stuff we needed.........but.............before we left.......
Dad wanted to LOOK at some digicams. Since our film cam was abt to KO. I was fine with LOOKING. So we went to FOTOKEM and looked around. Then he sat down and asked this lovely salesgirl.......can i have a look at the cheapest camera? She shows an Olympus FE-320 and FE-340. Both were abt RM550.
Dad you got to be serious?! We were not suppose to get this and he really looked bent on purchasing it. After some explanation abt the features by our salesgirl....... dad looked at me , "You think this is OK?" I was really stumped and i just said "Its up to you....". I really really didnt expect this. Well yes buying a camera is something nice. But buying it unexpectedly was the thing that caught me off guard. just gave the nod and handed over the credit card.
JUST LIKE THAT. We got a camera. Olympus FE-340. Out of the blue. Gosh, i wish i could do that.

Well God has blessed dad financially even he's in retirement. So well.....dads been working hard all these 30 years. I guess he deserves something which he hasnt owned yet. Oh yeah......and then came the big surprise. He REALLY placed an order for a new Myvi...... Im just out of words today........
So after we did our "shopping".......we went over to Time Square Starbucks coz dad asked me to test the wifi on the lappie and also do some stuff. Got there sipping nice orange juice with the lappie n my dad. After sorting out a simple IP fix and wala......we were surfing wifi in Starbucks. My first time actually surfing in Starbucks. Now i feel like the rest of the class. LOL. At least.
Taught dad how to save and download pics from the net and put on desktop background. Did some admin work. Then had those usual father and son talks. =)
By 9.30 we left and to be frank........the burger was still in me. One heck of a burger. Then we went to Jalan Alor's famous beef noodles. And the chili here was reputed as the best in Malaysia. I got a small bowl of noodles. Then i tried the chili.............
If u dont have a fire hydrant next to you i suggest u get a firetruck at least. This chili was a power punch of a chili. It has this super max taste of lime ginger red chilies garlic onions and God knows what other ingredients. Its like a californian wild fire in my mouth. And my nose became Niagara falls. But it was darn good stuff no doubt. Phew.
And after this whole day of tired jaws and burnt sent me home.
Chili's and Chilies Day.
02 January 2009
Reason and Season
Ok ok i know Xmas is over but i cant help but put this post up :)
Santa lives at the North Pole,
Jesus is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks..
And then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name,
all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name,
He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future
and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you Joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree which is the Cross.
- By Rev. James Spellman of Ohio
Jesus is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks..
And then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name,
all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name,
He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future
and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you Joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree which is the Cross.
- By Rev. James Spellman of Ohio
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
New 2009
Welcome to a new year.
My new year began with God. Was at church for Thanksgiving n Re-Dedication from 10pm till 1am. No where better to start than in Gods presence. Ps David shared a wonderful message. Reaffirms our aim and hopes for a adventure filled year.
Immediately after the end of the celebration, worship team and me headed for supper before going to Ipoh in the wee hours of the morning. We were to minister and serve at Canning Garden Baptist Church at 2.30pm. The Team - Ps David, Ps Gloria, Ps Jason, Ps Jadeline, Dawson, Jimmy, Chrysler, Hannah, Michelle, Daniel, Timothy and myself. We were caught at abt 2am in a jam in Kepong. Loooong jam. I was with Jimmy Timothy and Chrysler in Jades kenari. And we decided to be just a little crazy in the new year spirit.
We wound down our windows.......and literally wished each car we passed (in the crawl) happy new year! Cool eh? Though we werent that bold to shout "Jesus Loves You". Well at least we were bold enough to put some worship songs loud and sang out loud. Didnt mind we got stares. We just enjoyed. Ps Jason in front of us with Michelle Jadeline n Hannah were laughing at us singing at the back.
As we escaped the jam, we sang more and more worship songs........well into a foggy highway. I was awake until i slowly dozed off at abt 4am.......with the snare drum firmly in my hands. Woke at abt 5am and we were in Ipoh already. Got to the hotel and slept by 5.30 before waking up at 11am same morning.
Had lunch together at 12pm. That was when i heard abt the 4 rider crash at Broga when i asked my riding buddies how were they doing on their New Year Ride. I was really worried coz one of them was my good frend Azahari. And the others were riders i knew as well. Adeline Lee, Firdaus n Pine. Practically was worried for them and hoping for things to be alright. I called Chief Kutu to check how were things and he said all were concious and nothing too serious. I later learned that Azahari had a broken collar bone and a 2 inch gash on his fore head. Pine had a dislocated shoulder. Adeline n Firdaus had a few nasty scrapes and bruises. They were taken to Seremba GH and then given outpatient treatment except Azahari who had to be admitted. Heard he was taken back to Ampang Putri Specialist. Thank God at least. Hope they are all recovering well and speedily.
After that went over to CGBC and service ended arnd 5.30. Had light porridge prepared by the church before we left back to KL. We did this all in a day!
Driving back was equally crazy (esp with two guys having a DSLR camera in the same car).
We took lots of crazy pictures. And the driving was not any better as well. Dawson drove Ps Davids car at 140kph! Jimmy grunted everytime he drove Ps Davids car he wud get sounded if he went over 110. Lol. Jimmy Jason n Dawson kept overtaking each other on the highway. Until we reached KL. Chyrs managed to snap a cute photo of Timmy sleeping with his mouth open.
Reached KL at abt 9pm. And just as we tot we were safe at home, Jimmy cant find the toll ticket. We ransacked the whole care but we cudnt find it. In the end he paid RM46.20 as a fine (which is the max toll you will pay from Bkt Kayu Hitam, Kedah to KL). Later when we got to the restaurant for dinner, Ps David n Ps Gloria cudnt help but sit Jimmy down at the dinner table and started interrogating him.....much to our amusement.
Dinner and fellowship was great. Talked about Waffle Kerang, Durian Fritters and insects for snacks. Lol
Reached my hse at 11pm all tired n beat up.
New ways to start a new year.
Merry New year Folks
My new year began with God. Was at church for Thanksgiving n Re-Dedication from 10pm till 1am. No where better to start than in Gods presence. Ps David shared a wonderful message. Reaffirms our aim and hopes for a adventure filled year.
Immediately after the end of the celebration, worship team and me headed for supper before going to Ipoh in the wee hours of the morning. We were to minister and serve at Canning Garden Baptist Church at 2.30pm. The Team - Ps David, Ps Gloria, Ps Jason, Ps Jadeline, Dawson, Jimmy, Chrysler, Hannah, Michelle, Daniel, Timothy and myself. We were caught at abt 2am in a jam in Kepong. Loooong jam. I was with Jimmy Timothy and Chrysler in Jades kenari. And we decided to be just a little crazy in the new year spirit.
We wound down our windows.......and literally wished each car we passed (in the crawl) happy new year! Cool eh? Though we werent that bold to shout "Jesus Loves You". Well at least we were bold enough to put some worship songs loud and sang out loud. Didnt mind we got stares. We just enjoyed. Ps Jason in front of us with Michelle Jadeline n Hannah were laughing at us singing at the back.
As we escaped the jam, we sang more and more worship songs........well into a foggy highway. I was awake until i slowly dozed off at abt 4am.......with the snare drum firmly in my hands. Woke at abt 5am and we were in Ipoh already. Got to the hotel and slept by 5.30 before waking up at 11am same morning.
Had lunch together at 12pm. That was when i heard abt the 4 rider crash at Broga when i asked my riding buddies how were they doing on their New Year Ride. I was really worried coz one of them was my good frend Azahari. And the others were riders i knew as well. Adeline Lee, Firdaus n Pine. Practically was worried for them and hoping for things to be alright. I called Chief Kutu to check how were things and he said all were concious and nothing too serious. I later learned that Azahari had a broken collar bone and a 2 inch gash on his fore head. Pine had a dislocated shoulder. Adeline n Firdaus had a few nasty scrapes and bruises. They were taken to Seremba GH and then given outpatient treatment except Azahari who had to be admitted. Heard he was taken back to Ampang Putri Specialist. Thank God at least. Hope they are all recovering well and speedily.
After that went over to CGBC and service ended arnd 5.30. Had light porridge prepared by the church before we left back to KL. We did this all in a day!
Driving back was equally crazy (esp with two guys having a DSLR camera in the same car).
We took lots of crazy pictures. And the driving was not any better as well. Dawson drove Ps Davids car at 140kph! Jimmy grunted everytime he drove Ps Davids car he wud get sounded if he went over 110. Lol. Jimmy Jason n Dawson kept overtaking each other on the highway. Until we reached KL. Chyrs managed to snap a cute photo of Timmy sleeping with his mouth open.
Reached KL at abt 9pm. And just as we tot we were safe at home, Jimmy cant find the toll ticket. We ransacked the whole care but we cudnt find it. In the end he paid RM46.20 as a fine (which is the max toll you will pay from Bkt Kayu Hitam, Kedah to KL). Later when we got to the restaurant for dinner, Ps David n Ps Gloria cudnt help but sit Jimmy down at the dinner table and started interrogating him.....much to our amusement.
Dinner and fellowship was great. Talked about Waffle Kerang, Durian Fritters and insects for snacks. Lol
Reached my hse at 11pm all tired n beat up.
New ways to start a new year.
Merry New year Folks
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