14 April 2008

A Night with Planetshakers - FGA (12/4/08)

This night was supposed to be a single small event with Planetshakers at the FGA Hall in Jalan Kuchai Lama. PS was just stopping over and since they were here, wat the heck, sure go la.

Its not a full confrence. Just a small short night with preaching by Rev Jamie Haith from England.

So like 25 of us World HArvest Hardcore Planetshaker ppl gathered at BRJ at abt 5.45 in afternoon, had dinner then by 6.25 we left. Took abt 1 hr to reach there.......along the way jokes came out loose. IT was so funny the jokes we shared.........esp with guys like me , Jason n Daniel, Vighnath, Moses, Narvin and the two girls tagging along. 5 cars all together but i tink our one was the one with all the jokes and laughter inside.

7.30 we reached FGA and to be honest we were late abit to get good placings. Already seas of ppl were lining up to enter the main hall. I mean esp among the Christian Youth, if PS were to come to KL.......expect thousands to turn up.

So after park car and line up to go up. Me n Vigh were like just want to enter the main hall, and as i wanted to step in.......the doors shut us out. NO ROOM. FULL HOUSE.

And as a result, we had to be directed to the overflow in the next building..........which means we wont be getting a live show.

Well this was when God really told me in my heart, "Son, if u really want to worship Me, i challenge u to do it without being live in the same hall as PS. As long your heart is on worship, anywhere will do."

So i said to myself, im going to worship n praise God in that overflow with the same heart if i were at the main hall. Its a challenge....esp when its on a screen. The overflow was large also but not as large as the main hall..........at least 2000 ppl fitted in there. The overflow had close to 1000 also.

So us WHC members sat at one corner front rows just infront of the screen. haha.......nice place man. Then at 8pm things got underway. But i turned around and saw the ppl, esp the Christian youths that they were obviously disappointed not to be in the main hall. I just can feel it.

But i can tell we were in good spirits and as soon as the band started playing.......no one in tat overflow clapped but us........and as soon we raised the spirits of the whole corner.......it spread throughout the whole hall.........as long we worshiped with heart, Gods presence will come down and bring the same to the others. And guess what? We were rocking away for Jesus man!!! We all got up, we jumped about like mad ppl..........mad for God. We sang out hearts out to God, raised our hands and we got the crowd going pretty well.

The worship n praise was awesome and great. God's presence was there.

And we heard Pastor Jamie Haith's message from the book of Matthew in the Bible about how Jesus called His 12 disciples to follow Him.

Then He said to them 'Follow me, and i will make u fishers of men.' And they immediately left their nets and followed Him (Matthew 4:19-20)

Here Jesus came upon some fishermen, going abt their business, and all He did was just ask them to follow Him. He just chose 12 of them. But Jesus, who is God the Lord Almighty, and why would He choose such simple ppl to be the foundation of the Christian faith?

As fishermen, they were uneducated, simple life ppl, smelly from all that fish, and would just like to be the way they are. But Jesus still called them, AS THEY ARE. He didnt mind who they were, as long they followed. Follow what He taught, where He went and do what He did.

If Jesus just appeared infront of u, and He asked u to follow Him, what would u say of think of? Surely u will have second thoughts. Normal human response anyway. But what does your heart say? Will u follow for something greater than life itself? Surely there is more to life than just this we are living now. Just that many have been looking high and low for it when it is directly in front of them.

Jesus chose them, though they were also sinners, have never heard of the Gospel, not a religious and holy group like the Pharisees and the Scribes. But He chose them. Its their heart He is after. He sees the heart.

And like the same as today, God doesnt mind who are u. Where u are from, what u did before in the past. Whether u were a rotten grumpy road rage with serious attitudes. Whether u nailed someone to the floor. Whether u were a thief. Whether u were a coward or a homosexual. Jesus still wants you to follow Him. He has put aside all that is unworthy. He has said that whoever follows Him and does His work of spreading the name of God are trully rewarded in heaven.That is His assurance. But it takes a heart that believes.

You just have to come before God and just be as you are, and let Him take all that burden away from your shoulders. Whatever tat is troubling you, your concerns, your life. Coz when u give your life to Jesus, He is going to take care of it. Thought sometimes u encounter a hard time, God will not give u something u cannot handle. All He wants to do sometimes is put us through parental training. Otherwise we wont know how to handle things and learn

Just like me. I wanted to go in the main hall so badly. But i cant. I did feel disappointed. Yet He taught me, worship is free to be done anywhere. I didnt need live Planetshakers. I just needed a live God to sing and praise to. Its all about God. If it wasnt about God then life has no meaning. No matter how hard u try to search for it.

Some people refer the bible, BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Which is kind of true. There are instructions in there. There arent tons prayers to memorize and recite in there. No. The bible isnt JUST for Christians. Its for everyone. Its not a religious book. Its a relationship guide with God. It is not a law book. But it is a book to get u to know God closer.

So we wrapped up the night with a finaly worship and lots of more praises and jumping n shouting and crying for God. And i was all really up beat spiritually.

Planetshakers has released their 2008 album titled Free. Just to let u see the lyrics and a video of the song. Well its a drummer playing to the song but then again can just listen to the song to hear what is it like. Its really cool. Enjoy!

Free - Henry Seeley
Planetshakers 2008

Your my Savior
You have set me free forever
It is by Your grace and power
That You have set me free

You saved me
You set me free
You healed me
You made me see
You set me free

You give me all that i need
You give me
Come and run to me
You set me free

All i want to do
Is praise You
Coz You have set me free

You are the way
I will live for You all my days
Never will i hold back my praise
Coz You have set me free

Theres freedom in the name of Jesus
Freedom from all shame
Theres freedom in the name of Jesus
Freedom from all pain
Theres freedom in the name of Jesus
Freedom from all sin
Theres freedom in the name of Jesus
Freedom in the name of Jesus

1 comment:

RFKW said...

I also went for the planetshakers concert in Sunway.
I would like to share some pics with ya all.
U can check it out here - http://rfkw.blogspot.com/2008/04/planet-shakers-live.html