30 January 2008
The Secrets of Losing Weight!
Yeah u.........u knw it urself if ur fat...........or round............overweight..............or even then weight conscious people who want to stay off the scales.
You want to know the secrets of losing weight? And stay off the fats? Here are the secrets to keeping yourself in great shape and lose some excess baggage.
First let me state some common myths and mistakes that people THINK that will get them to lose weight.
1) I stop eating for a whole week
2) Follow Atkins diet
3) No milk
4) No bread
5) No milo
6) Take slimming pills
7) Go to saunas
8) My friends say this cannot eat tat cannot eat this cannot do tat cannot do
Well if u have been doing that all the above........im sad to say IT DOES NOT WORK AT ALL!
Seriously people. U think stop eating will get your weight down? No. Sauna u dont lose weight in fat..........just sweat and water! U dont burn any calories from outside heat while lying down on the bed. People, please read the food labels next time. Milo and bread contains so little fat. Its not going to make u gain ten pounds! Come on sensibly.....will a 50 gram slice of bread give u 2pouns weight gain? Even u eat it as breakfast everyday its not going to cause any serious effects!
Milo is a health drink! Lots of nutrients and vitamins! If it was fattening why the NSC bother to promote it among younger people and athletes? Sensible thinking people!
Milk well yes to a certain degree can be fattening but people we need calcium! Im not saying u drink 10 gallons a day. A glass a day is even good enough. If ur still gripping go for low fat.
And stop eating for a week? Ur killing yourself and body (unless u are fasting and praying under God's grace then that is a different story) sensible thinking again. After u stop eating all together.........the next time u eat u will chow everything down again due to urges and natural body response. U need food people! Ur body has no fuel how u going to go out and get on with the day? Complaining tired and sleepy in class? Bcoz u dont eat! Simple. Car engine : no petrol no jalan. Humans : no food no jalan also!
So what is the secret then to lose weight n keep the pounds off?
1) EAT A BALANCED DIET. Numero Uno. Main Focus! Make sure u eat : MORE Vegetables, MORE Fruits, LESS oils and fat, MORE Carbohydrates, MODERATE meats and DRINK PLENTY of water.
U can throw any dieting regime out the window. Just eat a moderate balanced diet. Fruits and veges provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals for your body growth (Hey teenagers! U need to grow ok?!) If u wana be tall and handsome or pretty and pink, i suggest u get started on vegs n fruits. Less fried stuff and eat also protien for development of cells in your body. U need rice to add energy so u dont get lethargic all the time! Water most of all for good all round digestions and helps with blood and fluid circulation. NEVER skip meals! Always eat your breakfast lunch dinner at scheduled times.
Always check food labels. It is almost compulsory tat all foods have food labels to tell consumers what they are eating. SO DO SEE/READ WHAT U EAT!
2) EXERCISE! Yes people. You want to lose weight? GET YOUR BUTT MOVING! U can eat balanced food but if u dont exercise u dont go anywhere. Brothers n sisters, when was the last time a couch potato lost weight in front of the TV? Come on guys, u dont turn into Arnold overnite! He worked out all the time! ALL THE TIME! So if u want to seriously lose weight i am seriously TELLING u to seriously do some serious exercise to lose tat serious spare tyre!
U dont have to run a marathon or bike the Tour de France or climb Everest. Just go walk for 30m minits a day 3 times a week and u are doing good. Or else cycle for 1 hour 2 times a week. Lift weights. Jog. Swim. Do something tat u can sweat and feel the heat. And please stop complaining lazy tired no time no energy.
No energy is probably coz u stopped eating for the last month! See why u need to eat now? Seriously exercise has no place for excuses if u want to get some shape to your body. If u think ur not up to this little commitment then better off u be the next best couch potato and stop reading. Otherwise, GET TO WORK!
3) LISTEN to your doctor! Many times the doc is right. Especially when it comes to taking hormones and drugs. BE VERY CAREFUL with these products. DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING u read on the Internet. Most of the time its bogus crap and it doesn't work. Unless u see the approval of the FDA (Food Drug Administration) and its properly endorsed and with official license form the health department, u better STAY AWAY. Nothing comes easy. USE PRODUCTS with full discretion. ALWAYS GO TO YOUR DOCTOR/PHYSICIAN. Not follow what your friends do or say blindly. You can always ask them where they get their sources.
4) SLEEP! Yes people. U still need sleep after a hard day to let your body rest and grow. This is another big secret to keep fit as well as losing weight. 6-8 hours and maybe some naps if needed. Studies show tat those who nap do have a 30% less chance of having heart disease. BUT dont take this as an EXCUSE not to do the first 3 things! U cant get away with it. Just maintain proper sleep paterns!
So there you have it people. Just 4 simple things to do. Just 4! Compared to doing tat list of 7 myths which is almost an impossibility and a rather dumb thing.
Remeber people. Balanced diet. Exercise. Doctors opinions.
If u want to lose weight and stay in shape, this is no bogus advise. You will hear this same message from any health official, doctor, trainer, coach, physician, athlete, medical expert and Arnold. If what they say is the same, then it is a proven and proper way to lose weight and stay fit.
Last but not least, never EVER take your own health for granted even u are as fit as Arnold. Fat of thin, tall or short, male or female, young or old always watch your health. It will benefit u.
Thanks for reading
29 January 2008
BBS Special Makan Outing
As a first I would cordially invite all the BBS (BicycleBuySell) members to join this special occasion.
Organiser is me and I will be doing most of the planning. So heres a first proposal/draft :
Makan Outing 2008
Date : 1 March 2008 (proposed)
Time : 5.00pm -> Gathering (proposed)
7.00pm onwards -> Makan (proposed)
Venue : Stevens Corner , Taman OUG, Old Klang Road, PJ. Selangor (proposed)
Purpose : Have a fun time to know members and chat bikes n babes =)
As this is a first proposal any other ideas/suggestions are most welcomed. This post will be constantly updated from time to time as more ideas pour in. So hope this first outing will be a great success where everyone will just have a fun time
More info just contact Darren Chan :
darren_pinarello@yahoo.com - email
darren_pinarello@hotmail.com - MSN
Cheers folks!
26 January 2008
24 January 2008
22 January 2008
21 January 2008
Genting Sempah Ride 23/01/2008
Date : 23rd January 2008!!
Time : 8.00am
Route : Hospital Orang Asli - Genting Sempah - Hospital Orang Asli
Place to gather 1 : McD/Shell by the MRR2 after Zoo Negara or Giant Melawati
Place to gather 2: Hospital Orang Asli
Distance : 30+km (15+km downhill)
Mode : Very Light & Easy, there will be beginner riders as well
Expected time to Finish : 10-11pm
Carbo Loading : Kedai Roti Canai (If needed)
Note : Avoid the Batu Caves area as it will be jammed. U can take any alternative route as u want. Either take tru MRR2 Cheras n Ampang side or the Jalan Parliment and Jalan Duta way. U may need to do a U-Turn after the McD as u will from opposite direction. There is one just after the McD but before Batu Caves. Other routes that you know are applicable.
I suggest all begin early journey. Then meet at the McD by 7.30 for those planning to wait at McD. Those who know the way to Hospital go first.
More info contact Darren - 016-5477049
20 January 2008
Durian and Mangosteen (Part II)

From left: Abang Alim(best climber), Syaaban(kaki tido n kaki durian, Abang Hansem(hehe). Giving thumbs up for good durians.

Durians and Mangosteens
The usual business..........wake up at 7.00 prepare stuff and all.........by 7.20 i was off to meet the guys at Hospital Orang Asli in Gombak..........our usual gathering spot.
Axy from Way2Ride said today will be going pass Genting Sempah and descend to Janda Baik, on the Pahang side.
Reach Hospital at abt 7.45am. still not many ppl. There were a few cyclist but not our W2R gang. So i pusing pusing a while while waiting. THen down at the car park saw some guys with W2R jersey so terus go there n say hi.
So i finally got to meet Tabira, Abang Alim and Abang Awe from W2R. Before this we only chatted in the forum. HAvent met in person. Then about 5 minits later Axy and the gang arrived. About 6 of them. So there were 9 of us la. First time meet Axy and the rest. Was nice.
Now down to bikes. First Axy used a Pinarello Paris Carbon frame with Campagnolo Record and Eurus wheels. Cun man........Then Abang Alim showed his new Proton T Sprint CVS frame with Shimano Ultegra SL and Dura Ace wheels. Fulamak........meleleh air liur........ Then others used Pinarello Galileo, Cannondale System Six and CAAD 5, Specialized Roubaix (Tabira's), Specialized Aqua Sapone (Awe) , ROck bike, Polygon (Yours truly =) )
But missing one person la..........Syaaban. Tengah tido tu kot........ BUt we moved at abt 8.20 after getting to knw each other, esp me. Seems im famous to them just coz i put up posts in the forum. "Orang paling peramah dalam forum.........." Thats wat Alim said.
SO after got rolling was taking it easy. Chat with the guys. Yak yak yak. Then i had this funny feeling someone was behind me.......no its not a ghost.........i turn around.....to my surprise..........Syaaban! Haha...........he overslept and got up at 7.40. So he rushed out and caught us at the first 1km. Not bad. Then the rest turn back also surprised to see him.
So there are 10 now. Just as i tot we were doing a slow ride up at steady 15kmh......suddenly duno why the pace went faster to 25..........caught me off guard. Ikut can ikut la but duno why it went up.......so all were in fast mode. After tat acceleration we slowed to 20kmh. Then i found me and Alim and another fren ahead of the rest. Since we were back slow so i shift to lighter gears. And i was shifting my gear to to biggest cog. Mana tau suddenly..........the chain fell off and went into my wheels.........it got stuck n jammed the wheels. I came to a sudden stop. Luckily i didnt fall. I got off, pull out the chain........luckily my spokes were not cut. Chains can do that. After checking i went back on the bike n continue...........fueled by sheer frustration i chased Alim who went infront alone. The rest were still behind. Then i tried shifting to the biggest cog again. cannot. Chain was jumping like fish out of water. So i cant use tat cog for the rest of the ride.
After chasing down Alim and leaving the rest behind, we had an uphill battle.......he lead i lead he lead i lead.........pedal at 19-20kmh. Steady, no drop pace. Even when there was a sudden incline, we mash the pedals hard and kept high pace. At this point my mouth was wide open gathering air. With heavy breathing in n out. The sound was interesting. Then i started to lead Alim for about 2-3km from the summit. My meter at this point showed 27km traveled. At first he was a good 200-300 meters behind. At some places i didnt see him even on a straight road. Almost near the end at the last km to the top he suddenly caught me. I was almost out at tat time. He got me so we were again together but i was just hanging in to get to the last final climb.
Suddenly another rider came up to us! He wasnt with us at the bottom. we did see him back at hospital, but he caught up so fast! He lagi geng man.........can catch us like this. Zzzzzzzz
Finally we reach the top and me n Alim took a rest waiting for the others. Again up at Sempah the cool breeze greets my face. Had short chat with the guy. Chinese very young. Nice fella. Didnt manage to get his name. So one by one the gang arrived. Fuh........kena respect Alim........climbing really good and he looked less beaten up compared to me. Maybe if i had a lighter carbon frame no problem. HEhe
Next stop we went down the other side to Janda Baik, Pahang. According to meter an extra 7km ride. So we went down and was my first time there. But the guys say got bukit naik turun naik turun. My heart also naik turun naik turun..........i was wondering if i can do it.
Oh well............just go lor. So went off again, then after some downhills, we turn right into a junction with a road going UP. UP i mean really up........we get out of the saddle, standing pushing the pedals, at our lowest gear, and we were going at turtle pace of 9-10...........really steep 50 meter climb. I just took it slow..........my legs already hurt from the Sempah climb. Then after thats over there were small little climbs along the way............naik turun naik turun. These were steep n short. After all the hoop la and huffing and puffing, we reach the roti canai stall they went to last week.
Fuh........was i glad to stop n eat. Carbo loading. Hehe. Cyclist love this term. So we sat down ordered food. My order? Roti canai + Roti Telur + Teh Ais. The guys went ooo over my order. "Itu lah dipanggil carbo loading.........." So we ate n chat had some fun, some took pics. Later will upload them.
Then the specialty - Durian n Mangoesteen. This shop served the guys last week the same thing. So this time they tried to get it again....
"Kak, durian ade lagi ke?"- Axy
"Siapa yang nak makan tu?"- Owner
(No one raises hands)
"Ni yang tak nak mengaku ni.......siapa tak angkat tu tau le sendiri"- Syaaban
"Manggis(mangosteen) boleh tak? (takes out a tray of 20++)" - owner
(Ape lagi? Orang bagi makan je ler........)
Then later silently........hehe..........the owner came with 3 durians...........fuhyo............so long didnt eat man........i was savoring the smell and the sight of it. Hehe. Ate two pieces. But mangosteen i hantam 3-4 biji. NIce lah...........cant tahan. Hehe. Some more posing with all the fruits n food taking pictures. Funny la these fellas. After eating all this one wonders what happens to all the gas n food inside. If u eat durian u will know. :) "Ni kalo nak lepas to kat depan ok la........yang lepas dari belankang tu jer yang masalah!"- Awe. Before we left a group of 3 mat salleh on Mountain Bikes went tru the same raod tat we will be going back. We did see them at the bottom. Just tat they started later. We all greeted them.
So carbo loading over.....time to jalan! BUt then the road went up again..........aiseh.....baru lepas makan durian nak naik pulak. Dah lah tambah berat dengan durian + manggis. No choice went ahead anyway. Coz this kampung road makes a loop so we will come out to the same main road to go back. Along the way saw the kampung scenery.......and some housted were way up on top the hill and the road was going almost 60-70degrees up! Fuh.....we all see also scared at it. I managed to ask Axy about the price of Pinarello Prince and Pinarello Paris frames. His answer? RM15k and RM11k. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

So after a while we go out to the main road and head to Sempah. Then we caught the 3 mat salleh again. Gave quick hi's to them. Then my bottle was almost out of water. BUt me n Syaaban saw a man and his daughter filling water from natural mountain water. WE both got some and its really nice n fresh water! The uncle was kind enuf to help us coz we were wearing hard cleated shoes. Almost impossible to run let alone walk in them properly. He asked "Are you Malaysian Team?'' Hehehehe..........we said no, just regular riders.
So went on journey back to sempah again. Then when we reached the rest area some went for a pee. I stopped for a while with my acid burning legs. Loads of lactic acid in there. Then Tabira ajak me go ahead first. Alim was already long gone in front. Geng la him. Always in front on the hills. Respect. So me n Tabira went to find Alim who waited at the same spot we waited earlier. But going back up to the place we had to go up that long STEEP road/hill tat was really killing. I stood almost all the way pounding the pedals but its really steep and long. It was the length + steepness tat killed. The worst hill of the whole ride. But u need to go tru there to turn in to Genting Highlands or go back to KL. AFter climbing with almost burning pain legs n huffing breathes we waited for the other guys on the other side. Again.........the 3 mat sallehs..........
As we waited for the others one by one we say other cyclist going back down also. Then came another brother cyclist who went to Bentong. Tats real respect coz he went alone.....and after a morning 1 hour run! Really tabik. Hes a stong rider coz i rode with him once. So.........now when all is ready : FUN TIME! DOWNHILLS!
Hehe, at this point i was really eager to get my downhill skills polished. But after going down, i was still a bit edgy and sketchy. For some reason today my descend wasnt so smooth as the last two times i went down. I was a bit scared to take the corners tightly and i keep running wide of line. Hmmm.............maybe i was overdoing it. Oh well..........just keep going down. But going down can be real hard on the back coz ur weight goes to the hands to support and ur shoulders take a lot of weight plus the bumpy road which pounds like a jack hammer. Nevertheless we were smooth as we went down.
Interesting note : Along one of the stretches down with 4 of us, i saw front far in front some thing moving.........shaking left to right.........something walking. I tot it was a dog. BUt then i realise it was a BIG HUGE BABOON! It was super big............big as a poodle but way more muscle. I was terrified at it. Walking on its own along the road. We zoom pass it and i had a good look at it.......fuh.........scary man.
Almost reaching to the bottom Tabira had a puncture. 5 more minits to reach the metting point dah kena pancit. After taking out tube and all we saw the part where the tyre kena pancit. A chunk of the tyre rubber was gone! Scraped of the tyre. Shows tat the tyres were realy worn n needs replacing. Then we came back talking abt the baboon we saw behind........ "Wei u nampak monyet tu ker tadi? Gila besar tu. Dari jauh aku nampak bontot dia tu.....kiri kanan kiri kanan dia jalan. Agak-agak kalo dia lompat attack kat kita macam mana ye? Fuh...........gerun aku tengok" - DArren. "Fuh, mesti terbabas punye"- Frend "Sampai tergolek-golek lagi tu......" - Darren
After tube change...........went down slowly to the others waiting. BUt i didnt stop to greet them (Probably shud have done it) But i follow the other brother home together coz hes staying in Wangsa Maju Sec.2 also. So we ride together. Along the way still we saw this big group of cyclist. All were mat salleh and there were wearing same team uniform. Wow..........didnt expect to see them. After i ask its the Marco Polo team. From italy i think. They were going up to sempah........at 12.30 noon.........zzzz. I guess they are preparing for Tour de Langkawi next month. Before this they were in the Tour of Malaysia (Jelajah Malaysia) which ended last week.
So after this followed tho brother home using highway and i was home by 12.55.
Really nice ride today with lots of fun in it. Shud thank Axy for getting the mangosteens and durians. Hehe.
Total distance : 80++km
Time : 4hours+
More ride stories next time!
19 January 2008
17 January 2008
16 January 2008
Dirty Joke
Happy reading!
Bear : Hey there excuse me........
Rabbit : Yeah?
Bear : Have you had any problem with shit sticking to your fur?
Rabbit : Nope
The End
15 January 2008
Love Affair!
Extracted from The Star Online : Tuesday January 15, 2008
Badminton: Tan Fook to wed Chinese doubles star after Olympics
KUALA LUMPUR: It is probably one of the best-kept love affairs in the world of badminton.
And yesterday, Malaysia's Choong Tan Fook revealed that he could end his badminton career after the Beijing Olympics in August to tie the knot with China's Olympic and world champion doubles shuttler Zhang Jiewen.
After keeping the relationship under wraps, Tan Fook decided that it was the right time to come out in the open at the Malaysian Open, which begins from 9am today with the qualifying tournament at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil.
After all, it was at the 2004 Malaysian Open in Pahang when their love bloomed. Then, Tan Fook went on to win the men's doubles title with Lee Wan Wah and Jiewen took the women's title with Yang Wei.
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Wedding bells: Zhang Jiewen and Choong Tan Fook (below, right) fell in love during the 2004 Malaysian Open. |
“I hope that we will qualify ... it is going to be my last Olympics. I do not know what will happen after that as far as my career is concerned. Will the country still need me? I don't know. There may be some changes,” said Tan Fook.
“But one thing is for sure, I am planning to get married to Jiewen. The Beijing Games will also be her last before she quits.”
Tan Fook added that they had not allowed the relationship to distract them from their individual pursuits for excellence in the international tournaments for their respective countries over the last four years.
“She is now in Malaysia for the Open but she is on her own. Just like me, her focus is on doing well here. For the last four years, we have kept this long distance relationship going through calls and online chats,” he said.
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“I am quite happy with my performances over the last two years. This is an important year for me and it will be a great finale if I can win at least a bronze medal in Beijing,” said Tan Fook.
When asked if there could be another double from the couple at this year's Malaysian Open, Tan Fook said: “Based on current performances, I will be happy with a quarter-final finish.”
Barring any upsets, Tan Fook-Wan Wah will face team-mates Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong, the top seeds and defending champions, in the quarter-finals.
p/s : This is so cute and lovely! Didnt expect these two to be together!
09 January 2008
Ambank KL Marathon 2008
For info can go here http://www.klmarathon.gov.my/index.php
Date : March 30 2008
Venue : Dataran merdeka
Time : 4.30am
I will be going for the 42km. What about you? Come on. Challenge yourself!
See you there!
01 January 2008
New Year 2008 Ride
I was considering riding all the way to genting sempah today (1/1/2008). But so late sleep i wonder i can wake up or be fit enuf to climb.
I woke up at last. Tho few hours of sleep still can manage.
So got up at 6.50. Prepared all. Gone in like 15 minits.
Today i was thinking of climbing up Genting abit.......maybe to Gohtong Jaya. BUt i said lets tackle Sempah first. And i tot i was gona do it alone. Since no one teman me. But i knew there will be cyclist going up n down Sempah since its a holiday.
Going tru Danau Kota, Gombak n UIA then i enter the stretch where Genting Sempah road begins. suddenly saw a cyclist so i caught up with him. Greeted n chatted. Mr Jamil from Melawati. So we stop to have some milo while waiting for some of his frends to join. Didnt turn up so we went our own. At least i wasnt alone now. Starting the gradual ascend up (gradual as in 1-2% gradient), it was getting cooler. And we rode side by side chatting abt ourselves. Then we caught two mountain bikers tat started earlier. Greeted n passed them. The last time i went as far as 19km from start. Genting sempah is abt 25km end to end. So just the extra 6km shudnt be TOO bad......rite?
Anyway after th19km mark i was on new roads i haven ridden. They are narrow and scarily enuf, on my left is the ravine..........i look down at the tree trunks and they just keep going down.......and down........and down.........man......tats scary. And the road so narrow. It got significantly cooler. MY water even became cool like from a fridge.
By this time it was about 9++am. Mr Jamil was left behind so i tot i go ahead first. The roads are super winding and still going up. It never went down. I was in my smallest gear ratio and kept a steady 15-18kmh pace. Some points the road went UP steeper so had to really push it to the max. Kaki oso almost want to break oledi.
My meter showed 24km.....not too far to go. Kept climbing. And i can hear the highway down.........DOWN. Some parts u can see the highway tru the trees. The cars were like ants and i was so HIGH up! I got the jitters. And i was so surprised i climb up this high. I didnt knw wat was my elavation. BUt it was certainly high up here. I can see the hills all around me with clouds moving. It got colder and colder wit elevation. And strong winds prevailed.
Funny enough suddenly i had this prayer : God, dont let the monkeys chase me n bite me.
A few more meters up i saw 4 monkeys. 2 babies n 2 elders (obviously mum n dad). And they were not pleasant to see me n jumped right on my tail for a while. I remained emotionless n kept pedaling. Thank God for tat prayer! I then realised they were aggressive coz my mouth was wide open and my teeth showed. Showing teeth is a sign of aggression in monkey land........ :P
My meter said 26km and i still havent seen the McD rest stop that im suppose to see on the map on Google Earth the nite b4. Kept pedaling more. Along the way saw some other cyclist going down. And another guy overtook me suddenly....with great effortlessness......sienz.
NOt too long ahead i see shops n huts : Signs of civilization! I must be near to the pit stop. And the highway got nearer to me. NOt tat i came down. The highway came up as well.
Then i went downhill a bit and infront i see this huge place. Makan place/McD/PEtronas stop. Phew! I made it all the way up here. ITs so nice up there. The clouds were so low, it was windy n cold and the place is lovely! Waited quite a bit for MR Jamil but didtn see him. I was thinking he double back coz he said got appointment. So i took a short rest.
Then by the highway i heard this loud rumble. Unmistakably Harley rumble. And there were like 10 bikes roaring. Turns out they want to Genting. To go u have to exit the Karak highway and enter to the flyover which is where i rested around. So long i havent see a group this big. Was lucky to see them. I was tired and i really tink Genting had to be postponed.
So i turn around to head down.
Saw some other cyclist also. Traffic for bicycles today looked heavy.
Then i saw two cyclist sitting under the flyover.....and one i recognised straight away. Syaaban from Way2Ride team. Its a group i been following up on their forums. So hes the first guy from there tat i met. sat down had a nice chat. WAited for other riders tat followed him. Then we went back all the way down.
This is also my first time i descend for long distance and at speed. I wondered how they went down so fast. So i tried to keep up but to my abilities. Went down at 40kmh......48in certain places and then taking all those corners like pro......hehehe. Finally i get to try come cornering n descending skills which i never had to try. Its cool yet needs to be done withing the limits. But i was ok. Can take the pace. And it took us 20 minits to reach all the way down as opposed to 1hr going up.........zzzz
So after that went for minum with Syaaban for a while then went home.
total distace : 61km
i later found out Genting Sempah is abt 500 meters in elevation and i bet i was at leat 200 meters above the highway!
This was a good way to start the new year. Cycling up somewhere so nice.
More stories of my riding trips to come!